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近10年来,笔者几度赴德国,感触良多、久久不能忘怀。一、柏林感受前年的元月份,笔者应邀赴德国作城市环境生态考察。抵达柏林时是阳光明媚的午间时分。接机的德国友人科伦佩博士看为时尚早,便驾车带我们绕道于美丽、整洁 The past 10 years, I went to Germany several times, feeling a lot, a long time can not forget. First, Berlin felt the year before January, the author was invited to Germany for urban environmental ecology. When you arrive in Berlin is a sunny midday. Koperpei, a German friend who picks up the plane, is too early to drive us with a detour through the beautiful and clean
我最近有幸到陶都宜兴 小憩,游览了天然 奇观善卷洞,惊叹其谷岩幽邃、精巧奇特,洞分上中下三层,层层相通,尤其是下层,水流声声,舟行弯弯,船动景移,美不胜收。我在为这迷宫般的奇
一是突出了饮用水安全。饮用水关系到人民群众身体健康,是环境保护工作重中之重的首要任务。条例用十分之一还多的条款,明确了从“源头”到“龙头”的安全保障、预警应 Firs
Single molecule catalysis is very powerful in revealing catalytic mechanism at the single molecule level.But fluorescent molecule is always necessary to take pa
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The addition of 1-butylpyrrolidine to AlCl_3 results in the formation of an electrolyte that is suited to Al deposition.The feasibility of electrodepositing Al
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In order to develop a new strategy to deposit nano-particle sized water oxidation catalyst based on earth abundant element to the photoanode in a photoelectroch