登临白草畔 壮观天地间

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白草畔自然风景区位于北京市房山区霞云岭乡四马台村西,海拔高度2161米,距离北京城区150公里,向南距离十渡风景区45公里,向西距离野三坡风景区50公里,向西南距离蒲洼天然狩猎场30公里,是北京地区唯一能乘车直达2000多米顶峰的旅游景点。白草畔景区以百花争妍的高山草甸景观和独特的山地气候为特点,既有清凉的气候、迷人的天象,又有雄浑的山石奇观;既有丰富的奇花异草,又是难得的野生动植物宝库。 Baicao River Natural Scenic Area is located in Fangshan District of Beijing Xiayunling Township four Ma Tai Village West, elevation 2161 meters, 150 kilometers away from the Beijing urban area, south of Shidu Scenic Area 45 km south west of Ye Sanpo Scenic Area 50 Km to the southwest Puwa natural hunting 30 km, is the only tourist area in Beijing can reach the peak of 2,000 meters. Baicaopan scenic area with 100 flowers Zhengyan alpine meadow landscape and unique mountain climate is characterized by both cool climate, fascinating astronomical phenomena, there are magnificent rock wonders; both rich exotic flowers, it is rare Wildlife treasure trove.
我最近有幸到陶都宜兴 小憩,游览了天然 奇观善卷洞,惊叹其谷岩幽邃、精巧奇特,洞分上中下三层,层层相通,尤其是下层,水流声声,舟行弯弯,船动景移,美不胜收。我在为这迷宫般的奇
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