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10月下旬,我率领中德友协代表团应邀访问了德国12天。中德友协是今年两国建交20周年前夕于4月中在北京成立的。这是中德友协成立之后第一个代表团出访德国,看望老朋友,结识新朋友,促进中德两国人民友好并使友协进一步得到他们的支持和帮助。 我来到了阔别多年的波恩,很激动。我在波恩工作过7年,先是新华社的常驻记者,两国建交后又担任使馆的参赞和大使。今年冬天来到莱茵河特别早。两岸山岭上的丛林已是一片片枯黄和枯红,山坡上成片的葡萄园都已收摘干净。莱茵河谷的景色,引起了我很多的 In late October, I led a delegation of China-Germany Friendship Association to visit Germany for 12 days. The Sino-German Friendship Association was set up in Beijing in mid-April on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries this year. This is the first delegation to visit Germany after the establishment of the China-Germany Friendship Association, visiting old friends, meeting new friends, promoting friendly relations between the peoples of China and Germany and furthering the support and assistance from the Friends’s Association. I came to Bonn after many years, very excited. I have worked in Bonn for seven years, first as a permanent reporter of Xinhua News Agency and as counselor and ambassador of the embassy after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Came to the Rhine this winter especially early. The jungle on both sides of the mountains is a patch of yellow and red, the hillside into a piece of vineyards have been picked clean. The view of the Rhine valley has caused me a lot
粟裕大将是我党我军一名卓越的军事家。他驰骋沙场.身经百战,建立了卓著的功勋。在血与火的战斗洗礼中,他六次负伤,以自己的热血为中国革命书写了极为壮丽的一页。 General
中共中央: 我是1924年在天津成立共青团的第一批团员。1925年3月天津市党委决定我转党,成为中共正式党员。人总是要死的。对于我死后的处理,恳切要求党中央批准我以下的要求
6月11日下午,几辆面包车悄然驶进了位于王府井大街北侧的首都剧场。这里,就是蜚声海内外的中国国家级艺术殿堂——北京人民艺术剧院所在地。 车已停稳,一个熟悉的身影出现在
A high-efficiency Brillouin fiber ring laser is demonstrated using the standard single-mode fiber.The laser exhibits a 3.6-mW threshold.The output power is 22 m