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作为冀南抗战红都和商贸水城,河北南宫这片热土,孕育了一代代优秀儿女。这其中有一位剑胆琴心的纪检监察干部,他以为民解忧的柔情和捍卫党纪的刚正,默默书写着无愧人生的忠诚篇章……他就是河北省优秀共产党员,南宫市纪委副书记、监察局局长张范津。多年来,张范津始终笃行“勤奋工作是本分、不求名利是境界、干出成绩是追求”的承诺,在平凡岗位上把每一件工作做细做好,做到群众的心坎上。张范津敢于执纪、敢于监督,在他心里,始终把纪检监察这个职业看得最重。去年在查处破坏发展环境典型案件时,由于查处对象大多是执法和行政管 As the war of resistance against Japan and the capital of the city of commerce Shuibei, Hebei Nangong this piece of land, gave birth to outstanding children from generation to generation. Among them, a discipline and inspection cadre of sword and heart piano heart, he thought people’s tender feelings and defending the integrity of the party discipline, silently writing a loyal chapter worthy of life ...... He is Hebei province outstanding communist, Nangong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, supervision Secretary Zhang Fanjin. Over the years, Zhang Fanjin has always acted in line with the principle of “diligent work is the duty, not fame and fortune is the realm, and achievements are the pursuit of achievements.” In every ordinary post, every piece of work is done carefully and meticulously . Zhang Fanjin dare to discipline, dare to supervise, in his heart, discipline inspection and supervision has always been the most important career. During the investigation and handling of the typical cases of undermining the development environment last year, most of the cases investigated were law enforcement and administration
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本刊讯:近日,美国玛赫西管理大学校长比尔·构思鼎先生、美同教育与启蒙发展基金会董事长朱 允祥博士第 二次来到安 徽工贸学 校,与该校领导就双方联合 办学中互派教师及学生赴
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