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“昆仑奴”的得名不仅与“昆仑”表示黑色有关,还与昆仑山神话在后世的传播有关。南洋诸山、岛国皆以“昆仑”名之,其人肌肤黝黑,头发卷曲,勇敢善水,昆仑奴多出于此。大唐帝国实行开放的文化政策,故而史料载昆仑奴多出于唐代。本文拟对各种文献尤是唐代诗歌和小说中出现的关于“昆仑奴”的记载进行梳理,并结合昆仑山神话的传播来进一步考述“昆仑奴”得名的由来。 “Kunlun slave ” is not only related to the name of “Kunlun” black, but also with the myth of Kunlun Mountains in later generations of the spread. Nanyang mountains, island all Jie “Kunlun ” name, its dark skin, curly hair, brave good water, Kunlun slave more out of this. The implementation of the Tang Dynasty Empire liberal cultural policy, so the historical data contained in Kunlun more than the Tang Dynasty. This article intends to sort out various kinds of documents, especially the “Kunlun Slaves” appearing in the poems and novels of the Tang Dynasty. Combining the dissemination of Kunlun Mountains mythology, this article further examines the origin of the name Kunlun Slaves.
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2001年全国共发生各类事故1000629起,死亡130491人,同比分别上升20.5%和10.4%。其中,一次死亡10人以上 In 2001, there were 1000,629 accidents of all kinds in the country, wit