
来源 :防灾博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:relaxfor
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The effects of streaks on boundary layer transition depend on the initial amplitude of T-S waves introduced to excite the transition. This problem was studied i
<正> 当我们以一种全新的、宏观的、系统的眼光打量周围世界时,我们发现人类社会确是一个由亿万要素结构有机组合而成并不断变动着的巨大系统;推动这一巨系统生长演进的要素极为繁多,难以胜数,但城市却处在一个十分突出的中心地位。城市是社会整体巨系统中一个极为重要的子系统,它是人类社会文明进步的标志,也是人类未来文明的大
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In this contribution, inside turning of a thin-walled cylinder is investigated in simulation. Self-excited vibrations can arise due to repeated cutting of the s