
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyhhappy
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学习兴趣是学生学习的内部动力,是推动学生探求内部真理与获取能力的一种强烈欲望。在数学课堂教学中,要时刻注意发掘教材孕伏的智力因素,审时度势,把握时机,因势利导地为学生创造良好的教学情境,激发学生的兴趣,让学生在愉快地探索中学习数学。在讲授新课中适时地激发学生的兴趣,恰到好处地诱导,充分挖掘知识的内在魅力,以好奇心为先导,引发学生强烈的求知欲。教育家赞可夫指出:“在各科教学中要始终注意发展学生的逻辑思维,培养学生的思维灵活性和创造性。” Learning interest is the internal motivation of students 'learning and a strong desire to promote students' inner truth and ability to acquire. In mathematics classroom teaching, we should always pay attention to discovering the intellectual factors of the material of pregnancy and voluntariness, review the situation, grasp the opportunity, create a good teaching situation for the students in the best of our abilities, arouse the interest of the students and let the students study the mathematics in a pleasant exploration. In a timely manner to teach students a new lesson in the interest, just right to induce, fully tap the intrinsic charm of knowledge, with curiosity as the guide, triggering a strong thirst for students. Zankakov, an educator, pointed out: “In all subjects, we must always pay attention to developing students 'logical thinking and cultivate students' thinking flexibility and creativity.” "
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