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1982年是我国开展全民义务植树运动的第一年。从全国五届人大四次会议通过《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》和国务院发布《关于开展全民义务植树运动的实施办法》后,在我们祖国九百六十万平方公里的大地上很快掀起一个由城镇到农村,由机关、学校到厂矿企事业,由领导到群众,由老干部、老工人到青少年学生参加的义务植树运动的热潮,并取得了丰硕的成果。一年来的实践证明,搞好全民义务植树一条很重要的经验就是搞好规划设计。只有在调查研究的基础上,搞好规划,统一安排,才能做到适地适树,不打乱仗,节省劳力、物力、财力,办更多更好的事。当然搞规划设计,不是所有单位、地方都能独立搞的,林业调查规划部门有责任积极协助他们搞。根据掌握的材料,全国有不少地区都是这样做的,效果很好。江西省农林垦殖勘察设计院在高安县搞了一个义务植树规划设计的试点;湖北省林业勘测设计院协助嘉鱼、潜江等县搞植树造林规划试点;天津市武清县也搞了植树造林规划试点;甘肃省泾川县、北京市的昌平县、辽宁的昌图县等也都搞了植树造林规划设计。我们希望各地林业调查规划部门在今后的全民义务植树运动中,能够做出更多的贡献,并随时总结经验,供兄弟单位学习,本刊也将及时报导。 The year 1982 was the first year for carrying out the national voluntary tree-planting campaign. After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress passed the Resolution on Carrying out the People’s Volunteer Tree Planting Campaign and the State Council’s promulgation of the Implementation Measures on Carrying out the Volunteer Tree Planting Campaign, the land on the 9.6 million square kilometers of our motherland was quickly Set off an upsurge of voluntary tree-planting campaigns from towns to villages, from government agencies and schools to factories and mines and enterprises, from leaders to the masses, and from veteran cadres and veterans to young students and achieved fruitful results. The practice of the past year has proved that a very important experience in doing a good job of volunteering for the whole people is to do a good job in planning and designing. Only by doing a good job in planning and unifying arrangements on the basis of investigation and study, can we properly adapt to the tree, not disrupt the battle, and save labor, material and financial resources and do more and better. Of course, planning and design, not all units, places can independently engage in forestry investigation and planning departments have the responsibility to actively assist them to engage in. According to the materials we have learned, many parts of the country have done so with good results. Jiangxi Agro-forestry Cultivation Survey and Design Institute engaged in Gao’an County, a volunteer tree planting design and planning pilot; Hubei Provincial Forestry Survey and Design Institute to assist Ka Yu, Qianjiang and other counties engaged in afforestation planning pilot; Wuqing County, Tianjin also engage in afforestation Planning pilot; Jingchuan County in Gansu Province, Changping County in Beijing, Liaoning Province, Changtu County also engage in afforestation planning and design. We hope all the forestry investigation and planning departments in the country will make more contributions to the volunteer tree planting campaign in the future and will always summarize the experience for the study of our brother units and we will also promptly report the matter.
春风徐徐吹来,青草地上的露水晶莹透亮,小小的动物宝宝们探出头来,用好奇的眼睛望着这个世界……  绿树林前、浅草溪边,小小的身影在大大的身躯旁,满是兴奋、满是新鲜地扑耍……  这些可爱的动物宝宝,即将开启它们的新旅程。它们和人类宝宝一样,从蹒跚学步,到逐渐成熟,生活中尽是些未知又奇妙的事情。当然啦,危险也无处不在!生命如同一场冒险,总是等待小勇士们来挑战。今天,动物宝宝们将会用交换日记的方式,告诉远