
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whatisbianbian01
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县级政府担负着县域经济、社会事业进步发展的责任,负责维护地方社会的稳定,以及国家制定的各项政策的落实,稳步推进县内各领域改革。县级政府财政预算是否全面、是否统筹兼顾,关系到全县经济、社会各项事业的发展。从目前情况看,县一级政府编制的年度预算是一个不全面、不完整的预算,在编制预算时,很大部分条件无法预知。比如,按照基本人 At the county level, the county government is responsible for the progress of the county economy and social undertakings, is responsible for maintaining the stability of local communities and the implementation of various policies formulated by the state, and steadily promoting reforms in all areas of the county. Whether the county-level government budget is comprehensive and whether it makes overall plans depends on the development of various economic and social undertakings in the county. Judging from the current situation, the annual budget prepared by the county-level government is an incomplete and incomplete budget. Most of the conditions can not be predicted when formulating the budget. For example, follow basic people
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摘 要 公立医院绩效管理是公立医院管理体系中至关重要的环节。文章分析了公立医院绩效管理存在的问题及其成因,对改进和完善公立医院绩效管理提出了相应的对策建议。  关键词 医院管理 人力资源 绩效管理  中图分类号:R197.32 文献标识码:A  医院绩效管理是针对公立医院的经营管理状况、存在的问题,以提升医院管理水平目标,配套实施医院绩效,实现医院战略,调动员工工作积极性与创造性,其目的是为了医院
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