A Brief Analysis of Time In A Rose for Emily

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  A Rose for Emily tells a gothic story full of mystery, death and horror. The major feature lies in its time sequence. Instead of narrating the story according to its natural order, William Faulkner rearranged the sequence of plots and applied the technique of anachronies, suggesting the inconformity between story and discourse. This theory was put forward by a French critic, Gérard Genette. According to him, the narrator often doesn’t narrate the story in line with the natural order that story happens. There is a discrepancy between the time of story and the discourse. The natural order of the story is fixed while the way or the order we narrate the story is various. A Rose for Emily is a remarkable story to illustrate this.
  The story does not follow the chronological sequences. The story begins when people attend the funeral of Emily, who is regarded as “a tradition”, “a duty” and “a monument”, and ends when Emily’s long-closed door was opened. In between, narration flashes forward or backward to present the whole life of Emily. The story takes death of Emily’s father as the turning point. The narration flashes from Emily’s funeral to the death of her father and then comes back to Emily’s death. The fact that Colonel Sartoris gave Emily favorable policy not to pay her taxation leads us to know her father. Her father enjoyed high respect and made the Grierson well know in the town. That’s why Colonel Sartoris gave exceptional right to Emily. However, the new mayor of the town required Emily to pay the tax and paid a visit, but Emily refused to do so. The Grierson belonged to southern aristocrats so the father would not allow anyone from lower class or from north to marry Emily. And her father declined all of Emily’s suitors and in consequence, Emily was not yet married in her 30s. Her father was the only male Emily knew deeply and after his death, Emily denied and refused to accept the fact.
  Two years after father’s death, people complained about the smell from Emily’s house and four men slipped into her house and sprinkled lime secretly. The narrator keeps the reader in suspense about the smell until the end of the story. The smell came from Homer Barron’s dead body. Homer Barron was the only man Emily loved most except her father. Barron was one of the Yankees who came to the town to pave the sidewalk. Townspeople certainly couldn’t accept the love affair between them and often said “Poor Emily”. Emily was crazy about Barron and ordered man’s toilet set in silver, with the letters H.B on each piece and bought an outfit of men’s clothing. They were preparing to get married. However, after Emily’s cousins left, people in town never saw Barron again. This was because Barron refused to marry Emily. For Emily’s part, she couldn’t accept the fact of being abandoned by her lover so she
【摘要】大学英语课程既要进行知识的传授,又要承载立德树人的责任,要把社会主义核心价值观有机地融入教学内容中。本文以《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程I》教材第一单元为具体案例,在大学英语课程中融入社会主义核心价值观、中华民族优秀传统文化以及校史文化三方面思政元素,对大学英语课程思政融入路径进行探讨。  【关键词】大学英语;课程思政;融入路径;探讨  【作者简介】汪军(1973-),女,安徽肥西人,豫章师
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新的教育理念和课程标准引领我们走进了新课程。然而在课改实践中,我们很快碰到了各种新的困难和疑惑。总结起来,主要表现在以下几个方面:新课程改革在理想层面和实施层面、课程改革的高要求和教师亟待提高的专业素养、新课程的教学理念和教师的教学行为、课程改革和课堂教学实践、课程实施和现行考试制度、繁重的教学工作和课程资源的开发利用、新的评价制度和实际操作及其效果之间均存在着一定的落差。  面对以上种种问题,我
【摘要】中职是一个较为特殊的教育阶段,以传授专业技术和技巧为主,文化课的学习只是处于附属地位,是对相关专业的有效补充。在中职教育体系中,英语是一门基本性科目,教师需结合中职学生的实际情况运用快乐体验式教学模式,带领他们在快乐体验中学习英语知识。笔者主要对中职英语快乐体验式教学模式进行了着重解析,同时提出部分恰当举措。  【关键词】中职英语;快乐体验式;教学模式  【作者简介】袁静,邗江中等专业学校
【摘要】随着我国经济社会的快速发展,对外交流逐年增多,澳门、珠海两地对于英语教学的重视程度不断加强,并形成了不同的教学理念和方法。针对两地英语教学的对比研究,可以对英语教学方式在不同教学背景和环境中的应用提供准确的依据,有助于帮助两地提高英语教学效率及质量,本文就相关问题展开了分析。  【关键词】高中英语;澳门;珠海;教学方式  【作者简介】肖旦,珠海市斗门区和风中学。  珠海与澳门隔海相望,在经