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基于2002—2003年秋、夏季原位水下光场巡测及连续定点观测资料分析了龙感湖不同湖区及不同风浪条件下水体的光学特性,探讨了光衰减系数、辐照度比的光谱分布、空间差异及不同风浪条件对水下光场的影响.结果表明,水下光谱在紫光波段衰减最强烈,其次是蓝光,红、绿光衰减最弱,并且向下辐照度衰减系数一般要大于向上辐照度衰减系数.秋季L1-L3点向下辐照度400—700nm波段衰减系数的变化范围分别为0.71—3.60、1.06—3.72、0.78—2.89m-1;光衰减系数的空间分布是位于湖中心的12点要略大于两边的L1、L3点;辐照度比的变化趋势极为一致,最低值出现在短波蓝光波段,最高值出现在550—600nm之间;从小风浪到中风浪、大风浪其PAR衰减系数分别是1.74、2.02、2.45m-1;透明度、衰减系数与悬浮物浓度相关性最好,决定系数在0.7以上,但其变化除受悬浮物影响外还要受制于溶解性有机物和浮游植物;440nm波长衰减系数(Kd(440))与悬浮物(SS)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、叶绿素a(Chl.a)的多元线性回归方程为:Kd(440)=0.514—0.075SS+0.125DOC+0.100Chl.a(R2=0.87,N=8,P≤0.05) Based on the data of autumn and summer in situ underwater photopic field surveys and continuous observational data in autumn and fall of 2002-2003, the optical characteristics of water bodies in different lake areas and different storm conditions of Longgan Lake were analyzed. The spectral distribution of light attenuation coefficient and irradiance ratio , The spatial difference and the influence of different storm conditions on the underwater optical field.The results show that the underwater spectrum has the strongest attenuation in the violet band, followed by the blue, red and green light attenuation the weakest, and downward irradiance attenuation coefficient generally Which is larger than the attenuation coefficient of upward irradiance.The fall range of attenuation coefficient at 400-700nm of L1-L3 downward irradiance in autumn is respectively 0.71-3.60, 1.06-3.72 and 0.78-2.89m-1; the spatial distribution of light attenuation coefficient Is located in the center of the lake is slightly larger than both sides of the 12 points L1, L3 points; irradiance ratio trends are very consistent, the lowest value in the shortwave blue band, the highest value appears in the 550-600nm; from small waves to stroke waves, The PAR attenuation coefficient of windstorm waves were 1.74, 2.02 and 2.45m-1, respectively. The correlation between transparency and attenuation coefficient was the best, the coefficient of determination was above 0.7, but the change was limited by the effect of suspended matter Organic matter and phytoplankton; the multiple linear regression equation of wavelength attenuation coefficient (Kd (440)) and suspended solids (SS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chlorophyll a (Chl.a) -0.075SS + 0.125DOC + 0.100Chl.a (R2 = 0.87, N = 8, P ≦ 0.05)