Mineralogy under extreme conditions

来源 :Geoscience Frontiers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LUOMINGGANG818
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We have performed measurements of minerals based on the synchrotron source for single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction,inelastic scattering,spectroscopy and radiography by using diamond anvil cells.We investigated the properties of iron(Fe),iron-magnesium oxides(Fe,Mg)O, silica(SiO_2),iron-magnesium silicates(Fe,Mg)SiO_3 under simulated high pressure-high temperature extreme conditions of the Earth’s crust,upper mantle,low mantle,core-mantle boundary,outer core, and inner core.The results provide a new window on the investigation of the mineral properties at Earth’s conditions. We have performed measurements of minerals based on the synchrotron source for single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, inelastic scattering, spectroscopy and radiography by using diamond anvil cells. We investigated the properties of iron (Fe), iron-magnesium oxides (Fe, Mg) O, silica (SiO 2), iron-magnesium silicates (Fe, Mg) SiO 3 under simulated high pressure-high temperature extreme conditions of the Earth’s crust, upper mantle, low mantle, core- mantle boundary, outer core, and inner core The results provide a new window on the investigation of the mineral properties at Earth’s conditions.
目的 探讨血清催乳素 (PRL)与新生儿惊厥发作之间的关系 ,评价发作后血清PRL含量升高作为新生儿惊厥诊断指标的临床意义。 方法  3 5例急性脑病新生儿以有无临床典型惊厥
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