Applied Mineralogy Studies of Rare-Earth Ores

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New attention has been given to the resources of rare earth minerals over the last years. The natural shortage of these elements in the Earth’s crust and trade restrictions recently imposed by China, motivated the Brazilian Government to encourage new projects by inserting the exploitation of rare earths in the National Mining Plan, which deals with industry strategic issues in the country, helping to reduce current importation. The incentives can be in the choice of future targets for mineral exploration and for the development of laboratory studies and pilot scale processing tests. New natural attention of these elements in the Earth’s crust and trade restrictions recently imposed by China, motivated the Brazilian Government to encourage new projects by inserting the exploitation of rare earths in the National Mining Plan, which deals with industry strategic issues in the country, helping to reduce current importation. The incentives can be in the choice of future targets for mineral exploration and for the development of laboratory studies and pilot scale processing tests.
The pyrochlore supergroup natural minerals are the oxides for formula A2-xB2O7. In this formula, A typically is Ca, Na, TR, Ba, Fe and Mn cation. B is Ta, Ti, N
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今年是农历龙年。龙这种动物,在世界上是没有的,是人们想象出来的,但以“龙爪”命名的树木,却有几种: 龙爪柳,是旱柳的变种,分枝紧密,扭扭曲曲,形似“龙爪”,婀娜多姿。树冠
东山峰79-09 1979年9月,湖南省石门县东山蜂农场职工王宇道在农场张家山发现并选出,植株生长在海拔840米处东南坡,黄壤,土层肥厚,pH值7。生长势强,攀援在板栗、化香树和栎树