
来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjlcd
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目的:探讨四种中医方剂对实验性肝损伤的作用。方法:事先给予四磨饮(SMY)、桂枝茯苓丸(GFW)、泻青丸(XOW)及四逆散(SNS)的水提取物,对异硫氰酸α-萘酯(ANIT)、四氯化碳(CCl_4)诱发的肝损伤,进行预防保肝评估,包括生化指标、肝组织脂质过氧化及组织病理。结果:大鼠给予ANIT后,总胆红素(TBI)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)皆有明显升高,组织病理显示胆道郁阻及局部坏死。四磨饮、泻青丸及四逆散在生化指标及病理观察上皆有显著的预防效果。在四氯化碳诱发的肝损伤实验中,四方剂对肝功能生化指标与肝组织脂质过氧化及病理变化等,皆显示出预防效果。结论:虽然异硫氰酸α-萘酯、四氯化碳的肝损伤机制不同,但此四方都有不同程度的保肝作用,且其作用是由多重机制来完成的。方剂处方均由君臣佐使的配合来设计,显示对不同毒物的多重保护作用。 Objective: To explore the effect of four traditional Chinese medicines on experimental liver injury. METHODS: Aqueous extracts of Sima, Dangqing Pills (XW), Xieqing Pills (XOW) and Sini Powder (SNS) were given in advance to α-naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT), Hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl_4) was evaluated for prophylactic liver protection, including biochemical indicators, lipid peroxidation of the liver tissue, and histopathology. RESULTS: After administration of ANIT in rats, total bilirubin (TBI), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (GOT), and alanine aminotransferase (GPT) were significantly elevated, and histopathology showed biliary obstruction and local Necrosis. Siliangyin, Xieqing Pills and Sini San have significant preventive effects on biochemical indexes and pathological observations. In the carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury experiment, the four prescriptions showed a preventive effect on biochemical indicators of hepatic function and lipid peroxidation and pathological changes in liver tissue. Conclusion: Although the hepatic injury mechanisms of α-naphthyl isothiocyanate and carbon tetrachloride are different, this quadrilateral has different degrees of hepatoprotective effect, and its role is accomplished by multiple mechanisms. Prescription prescriptions are designed by the team of Jun Chen Zuo Shi, showing multiple protective effects on different toxicants.
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