北京荷花节 印象瑞麟湾

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盛夏来临,瑞麟湾500亩荷花盛开时节,瑞麟湾温泉度假酒店于6月15日——8月31日举行第五届“北京荷花节,印象瑞麟湾——暨荷花仙子主题大赛”。瑞麟湾温泉度假酒店是集温泉、客房、餐饮、会议、娱乐休闲为一体的综合性园林度假酒店。酒店园区占地3000亩,绿化率约70%,一期建筑面积约为6万平方米。酒店拥有天然宜人的温泉泡池,豪华的客房设施,各类风味的特色餐饮,高档齐全的会议设施及健康时尚的康体娱乐设施,整体设计典雅时尚,是集异域风情于一身的多元化度假酒店。微雨过,小荷翻,榴花开欲然。玉盆纤手弄清泉,琼珠碎却圆。荷花节期间,置身出淤泥而不染的荷花丛中,感受从未有过的心灵净化,是何等惬意。荷花不仅可以赏,更可入菜;不但清香可口,且具有独特功效,让您在品尝美食的同时清热驻颜。瑞麟湾为您打造了清凉的“赏荷泡汤品美食”以及荷花节优惠套票等一系列活动。 Summer is approaching, Reilin Bay 500 acres of lotus blooming season, Reilin Bay Resort Hotel on June 15 - August 31 held the fifth “Beijing Lotus Festival, the impression of Reilin Bay - Lotus Fairy Theme Competition ”. Reilin Bay Spa Resort is a collection of hot springs, rooms, restaurants, conferences, entertainment and leisure as one integrated garden resort hotel. Hotel Park covers an area of ​​3000 mu, greening rate of about 70%, a construction area of ​​about 60,000 square meters. The hotel has a natural hot springs bubble pool, luxurious room facilities, all kinds of flavor catering, upscale meeting facilities and healthy and stylish sports and recreational facilities, the overall design is elegant and stylish, is a set of exotic diversity in a resort Hotel. Light rain, the Dutch turned, Garnet Blossoms. Yuxian fine hand figured spring, Joan broken but round. Lotus Festival, exposure to the silt from the lotus without dyed, feel the soul has never been purified, is so cozy. Not only can enjoy the lotus, but also can enter the food; not only fragrance delicious, and has a unique effect, allowing you to taste the food at the same time heat in the skin. Reilin Bay for you to create a cool “reward lotus soup products ” and the Lotus Festival discount packages and a series of activities.
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According to topography of Yemen,most areas and villages are located at obligated crest,toe of mountain and under cliffs.Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Ta
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