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早期教育的重要性已被许多家长所认识并竭力实施,如教孩子识字、计算、书法、绘画、弹琴……近来又悄然兴起了幼儿学英语热,甚至连过去只教成人的英语教师也办起了幼儿英语班。从适应未来新技术革命及补充我国基础教育不足的角度看,这是一种可喜的现象。 The importance of early education has been recognized and exerted by many parents, such as teaching children’s literacy, numeracy, calligraphy, painting, playing the piano ... Recently, the enthusiasm of young children has been quietly raised. Even English teachers who used to be adults only used to do so. Played a child English classes. This is a gratifying phenomenon from the point of view of adapting to the future new technological revolution and supplementing the lack of basic education in our country.
美国有一种毕业于“老鼠学校”的“警鼠”。人们对警鼠进行系统训练,让其在轮船、汽车、飞机上执行任务。它能钻进警犬钻 The United States has a graduated “rat school
The advent of the universal Internet Era provides a new platform for employment and entrepreneurship,highlighting the new trend of“self-employment”.It is nece
In the first of a four-part series, Jingwei Li and ZhongfeiZhou present their views on the major issues involved insystems of corporate governance in Chinas sta
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
九 届 全 国 人 大 常 委 会 第 十 二 次 会 议 通 过 了 修 订 《 会 计 法 》 , 这 不 但 是 从 事 财 务 会 计 工 作 人 员 的 一 件 大 喜 事 , 而 且 对 我 们 财 政 监