热烈的祝贺 衷心的祝愿

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陕局省庆祝中华人民共和国成立三十周年献礼演出,在党的三中全会重新确定的一切从实际出发,实事求是,理论联系实际的思想路线指引下,经过了多方面的准备和广大戏剧工作者的艰苦劳动,达到了预期目的,已经胜利结束了。纵观整个献礼演出,无论其思想内容,还是艺术水平,都可以说是新颖而丰富多采的,成绩是显著的。问题触及之深,启示、教益之多,也是空前的。经过二十多天的比较和评论,同志们畅所欲言,直述己见,比出了不足,评出了榜样,打开了眼界,解放了思想。这说明,我们的思想活跃了,艺术民主的空气浓厚了。同志们普遍反映说:若在三年前,这是根本不可能的。同志们还谈到:尽管有些剧目,还存在着较大的争论,在内容和形式的结合上,还未能很好地“寓教育于娱乐之中”,但是,它们大胆地干预了生活,敢于匡正时弊,提出了许多动人心魄的社会问题,这种充满了革新色采的创造精神,使整个献礼演出出现了活力,开了新风,受到了各方面有关人士的普遍赞扬和热情肯定。为此,我们向为国庆三十周年献礼演出做出了积极贡献、立志革新的艺术闯将们致以热烈的祝贺。 The Shaanxi Provincial Bureau celebrated the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China as the foundation for its performance. Under the guidance of the ideological line of starting from reality, seeking truth from facts, and integrating theory with practice, everything that has been redefined in the Third Plenary Session of the Party passed through various preparations and the general draftsman The hard work achieved the desired goal and the victory was over. Looking at the performance of the entire gift, regardless of its ideological content or artistic level, can be said to be novel and rich and varied, the result is remarkable. It is also unprecedented that the problems are touched upon, enlightenment, and lessons learned. After more than twenty days of comparison and commentary, the comrades spoke their minds freely, stated their opinions directly, compared with deficiencies, set an example, opened their eyes and liberated their thoughts. This shows that our thinking is active and the atmosphere of artistic democracy is strong. Comrades generally said: If this was not possible three years ago, it would be impossible. Comrades also talked about the fact that despite some repertoires, there is still a big debate, and the combination of content and form has not yet been able to “fairly integrate education in entertainment.” However, they boldly interfered with life, Dare to rectify the shortcomings, put forward many moving and soul-stirring social issues, which is full of innovative spirit of creativity, so that the performance of the whole show has shown its vitality, opened a new trend, has been widely praised and enthusiastic affirmed by all parties concerned. To this end, we have made a positive contribution to the performance of the 30th anniversary of the National Day, and we are all gratefully celebrating the artistic innovators who are determined to innovate.
赣州地区林业化学除草面积由1983年的295亩,发展到1987年的17576亩。许多县、市把推广化学除草作为促进林业生产的重要措施来抓,如崇义县1985年应用除草剂面积仅482亩,1 986
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While busy getting my passport and visa,1 told my grand-mother 1 was going to Argentina for a women’5 eonferenee .Sheeame to Beijing to see me off.Some of our
本文通过对小学课堂科学记录现状的分析,提出了解决问题的方法——建设科学记录本,并详细阐明了建设科学记录本的意义,以及如何有效使用科学记录本等问题。 Based on the an