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从某种意义上说,短篇小说是螺蛳壳里做道场的艺术,空间很小,却要匠心独运,开辟出新的天地。任何艺术都是相通的。记得看甄子丹版电影《关云长》,在狭窄小巷里打斗那一幕,尤其令人印象深刻。由于空间逼仄,腾挪受限,所以习惯了舞弄青龙偃月刀的关云长,处处掣肘,却处处惊心动魄。这样小规模的格斗,比在开阔的战场上厮杀,难度更大,而精彩程度也因此非比寻常。做大难,做小也同样不易。做一尊大佛需要匠人惨淡经营、运筹帷幄;核桃上雕镂一叶轻舟,还要把上面的人物刻画得栩栩如 In a sense, short stories are the art of doing Taoist works in snail shell. There is little space for them to create a new world. Any art is interlinked. I remember watching Donnie Yen movie “Guan Yunchang”, fighting in a narrow alley that scene, especially impressive. As the space was cramped, Teng move limited, so accustomed to dancing Long Yan Yan knife Guan Yun Chang, everywhere constraints, but everywhere thrilling. Such a small scale fighting, fighting more than in the open battlefield, more difficult, but the degree of excitement is therefore extraordinary. To make a big disaster, so small is also not easy. Making a big Buddha requires tradesmen to operate disastrously and strategizing; walnut carving a leaf boat, but also the figure above portrayed lifelike
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