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正如马克思主义需要随着人类实践和实际生活的前进而不断向前发展一样,马克思主义文艺学也需要不断丰富和更新。因此,把建设当代马克思主义文艺学美学体系作为一项战略性的理论研究任务,是非常必要的。建设当代的马克思主义文艺学体系,需要进一步领会和研究由马克思、恩格斯创立的马克思主义文艺学的基本原则,才能处理好坚持与发展的关系,使建设当代马克思主义文艺学体系沿着正确的方向前进。当代马克思主义文艺学体系也许具有多样的逻辑构架和具体形态,但毫无疑问都必须贯穿马克思主义文艺学的基本原则。恩格斯在《诗歌和散文中的德国社会主义》和致斐·拉萨尔的信中,两次论到要从美学观点和历史观点来观察和分析文艺现象。前者是分析一位作家,后者是评论一部作品。我认为 Just as Marxism needs to move forward as humankind practices and real life advance, Marxist literature and art studies also need to constantly be enriched and updated. Therefore, it is very necessary to construct the aesthetic system of contemporary Marxist literature and art as a strategic theoretical research task. In order to construct the contemporary system of Marxist literature and art, we need to further comprehend and study the basic principles of Marxist literature and art founded by Marx and Engels in order to handle the relationship between perseverance and development so that the construction of contemporary Marxist literature and art system can be carried out in the right direction go ahead. Contemporary Marxist literature and art system may have a variety of logical structures and specific forms, but no doubt must be through the basic principles of Marxist literature and art. In his essays “German Socialism in Poetry and Prose” and the letter to Fife Lassalle, Engels twice discussed the need to observe and analyze the phenomena of literature and art from the aesthetic and historical perspectives. The former is an analysis of a writer, the latter is a comment on a work. I think
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临时工,有人即便工作到死,也难以改变“临时”的身份;  农民工,告别了土地,却在钢筋水泥的城市挥汗“耕耘”;  公務员,干的是公务,却难免有人谋的是私利徇的是私情;  清洁工,干最脏最累的事,却往往拿最少的工资最被轻视;  演员,一旦习惯了高调的“演”戏,就容易迷失自我的本真。
<正> 一、方法与观念关于方法,基本上可以分为两种,一种是外在的技术性的,只涉及形式,不关内容的方法。我们这里所说的思维方法,特别是辩证思维方法,是内在的本质性的方法,是内容的,而不仅是形式的。它和内容是一个东西,或者说是同一事物的两个方面。世界观是对世界总的看法,