
来源 :东北地震研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yymmttjjjj
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20 0 1年 9月 2 8日~ 2 9日 ,辽宁省地震局召开了综合防御学术研讨会。省地震局局长徐心同、副局长高常波、各市地震局主管综合防御工作的领导、省局有关部门及辽宁省地震学会的负责同志共 5 0余人参加了研讨。研讨会上部署了贯彻国家标准《中国地震动参数区划图》工作。钟以? On September 21 to September 29, 2001, the Seismological Bureau of Liaoning Province held an academic seminar on comprehensive defense. Xu Xuantong, director of the Seismological Bureau, Gao Changbo, deputy director of the Seismological Bureau of Hunan Province, heads of the municipal seismological bureaus in charge of comprehensive defensive work, and more than 50 responsible comrades from relevant departments of the provincial bureau and the Seismological Society of Liaoning Province participated in the seminar. At the symposium, the work of carrying out the national standard “zoning map of ground motion parameters in China” was deployed. Clock to?
1 IntroductionIt is common in mobile belts that uplifting mountains are neighbored by synchronouslysubsiding basins.The coupling mechanism of such subsidence a
一、史图赏析 :1)东海、台湾海峡、南海、爪哇海、马六甲海峡、印度洋、保克海峡、阿拉伯海、霍尔木兹海峡、曼德海峡、红海。 2 )冬季、西北、东北风、逆时针、夏季、东南、
第 1期长白山天池火山区上地壳 Q值结构邓宏钊 张先康 ( 1 )…………………………………利用数字地震记录研究唐山震区台下的 P、S波速度结构…………………………………张
D S-wave Q structure in Jiashi earthquake region is inverted based on the attenuation of seismic waves recorded from earthquakes in this region in 1998 by the R
目的 研究冷休克对p5 3基因突变的PG细胞、p5 3野生型的HeLa细胞的周期调控及 p2 1WAF1/cip1蛋白表达的影响。方法 将PG、HeLa细胞置 4℃冷冻 4h ,使细胞发生冷休克 ,用流
本文介绍了20世纪60年代中期到70年代后期,中国对外汉语教学事业受挫和恢复的经历。再次证明,对外汉语教学事业的兴衰是与国内外形势的变化密切相关的。 This article descr