乡镇企业倍受 “两会”关注

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kbens
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对发展乡镇企业提出明确要求:——努力拓宽农民增收渠道。以农产品加工业和农村服务业为重点,加快发展农村二、三产业。引导乡镇企业加快结构调整、技术进步和体制创新,提高发展水平。扩大城乡经济往来有利于明显增加农民收入。各地要清理、取消不合理的限制和乱收费,为农民进城务工经商提供方便,切实保障他们的合法权益;同时,要加强管理和引导。积极稳妥地推进城镇化,促进农村劳动力向非农产业转移。——加快产业结构优化升级。一要采用高新技术和先进适用技术,改造和提升传统产业。支持重点行业和骨干企业提高产品开发和技术创造能力。企业技术改造要做好规划,以“质量、品种、效益”为重点,选好项目,不能搞重复建设和单纯扩大生产能力。巩固和扩大纺织、冶金、煤炭等行业淘汰落后生产能力取得的成果,继续推进石化、建材、机械、医药、制药、烟草等行业压缩过剩、落后的生产能力的工作。已淘汰的生产能力,绝不能以任何借口和形式恢复生产。继续调整能源结构。推动老工业基地加快调整和改造。续调整能源结构。推动老工业基地加快调整和改造。 To expressly request the development of township and village enterprises: - Efforts to broaden the channels for increasing peasants' income. Focusing on the agro-products processing industry and rural service industry, accelerate the development of secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. Guide township and village enterprises to speed up structural adjustment, technological progress and institutional innovation so as to raise the level of development. Expanding economic exchanges between urban and rural areas is conducive to increasing farmers' income significantly. All localities should clean up and abolish unreasonable restrictions and indiscriminate charges so as to facilitate peasants' migrant workers and workers and effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, they should strengthen management and guidance. Actively and steadily promote urbanization and promote the transfer of rural laborers to non-agricultural industries. - Speed ​​up the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. First, we must adopt high technology and advanced applicable technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Support key industries and key enterprises to improve product development and technological innovation. Enterprise technological transformation to make planning, “quality, variety, efficiency ” as the focus, select the project, can not engage in duplicate construction and simply expand production capacity. We will consolidate and expand the achievements made in the textile, metallurgy and coal industries in eliminating outdated production capacity and continue to push forward the work to reduce excess and backward production capacity in petrochemical, building materials, machinery, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals and tobacco industries. The productive capacity that has been eliminated must not be resumed under any pretext and form. Continue to adjust the energy structure. We will speed up the readjustment and transformation of old industrial bases. Continued to adjust the energy structure. We will speed up the readjustment and transformation of old industrial bases.
《小学语文课程标准》中提出“应该重视语文的熏陶感染作用 ,注意教学内容的价值取向 ,同时尊重学生在学习过程中的独特体验。”确实 ,我们的学生是一个个充满灵性的生命体 ,
一、“习惯性误导”和“注意性盲点”是小学生写错字的主要原因。我通过对小学生写错别字的“意识”形成进行了仔细的观察和将学生常用错别字分组分析 ,发现日常用字出错频率
校园的东侧是绿化区,绿树掩映,枝叶扶疏,芳草如茵。其间有一座假山,上书:“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”下面有围栏,白色瓷砖贴面,清洁光亮;栏内有水,清澈见底,鱼儿自由游弋,快乐嬉戏。每天午后,我喜欢坐在围栏上或看书、或冥思、或小憩,只是时间不长。至多半小时就有早到的学生围过来陪我闲聊,不管是春夏还是秋冬,其乐融融。由于是在室外,彼此又敞开心扉,畅所欲言,因此我称之为“阳光聊天室”。  王瑶是
本文介绍了装载机工作装置新型连杆机构的多目标优化设计,并借助电算对优化设计方案作了精确验算。结果表明,该机构的优化设计程序是可行的,能应用于生产。 In this paper,