踏踏实实做好管理工作 引领机动车维修行业和谐发展 访浙江省道路运输管理局副局长陈永林

来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dusl520
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截至2012年底,浙江省机动车维修检测企业已有29 292家,其中一类企业1 027家、二类企业3766家、检测企业78家;机动车维修经营从业人员183449人,持有资格证149920人;其中专业技术人员134 979人,汽车综合性能检测从业人员2 125人。2012年完成汽车修理作业量3 086万辆次,其中完成整车修理11万辆次、总成修理53万辆次、二级维护32万辆次,实施维修救援37万辆次;完成综合性能检测131万辆次,其中完成竣工检测57万辆次、等级评定检测46万辆次、尾气排放检测13万辆次。浙江省机动车维修行业的繁荣发展离不开行业管理部门的精心管理和正确的引导,本期我们有幸采访到了浙江省道路运输管理局陈永林副局长,请他来谈谈浙江省机动车维修行业管理部门在行业管理上的好的经验和做法,供同行参考和借鉴。 As of the end of 2012, there were 29,292 motor vehicle maintenance and testing enterprises in Zhejiang Province, including 1,027 enterprises in the first category, 3,766 enterprises in the second type and 78 testing enterprises. There were 183,449 employees in motor vehicle maintenance and operation and holders of certificates of 14,999,20 Among them, 134,979 were professional and technical personnel, and 2,125 were employees of comprehensive performance testing of automobiles. In 2012, the Company completed a total of 38.66 million vehicle repair operations, of which 110,000 vehicle repairs were completed, 530,000 vehicle repairs were carried out, 320,000 vehicle repairs were carried out at secondary level, and 370,000 vehicle maintenance and rescue operations were carried out. The overall performance 1.31 million vehicles were tested, of which 570,000 vehicles were completed and completed, 460,000 vehicles were rated and 130,000 vehicle exhaust emissions were detected. Zhejiang Province, the prosperity and development of the vehicle maintenance industry can not do without the careful management of industry management and the correct guidance, this issue we had the honor to interview the Zhejiang Provincial Road Transport Authority Chen Yonglin, deputy director, asked him to talk about vehicle maintenance industry in Zhejiang Province Management sector in the management of good experience and practices for peer reference and reference.
约翰看了一眼仪表盘,离切里兰机场只剩7分钟的航程了。家越来越近了,想着可以在家过复活节了,他难掩心中的兴奋之情。  突然,他感觉呼吸有些困难,从胸口到两腿渐渐地没了力气。失去意识前,他把妻子海伦叫到了驾驶舱。他用尽最后一丝力气解开安全带,然后就瘫坐在了座椅上。  海伦试图重新给约翰系上安全带,这才发现丈夫已经昏迷。她想尽办法,也没能唤醒丈夫。这位80岁的老太太没有恐慌,而是平静地把丈夫的身体移开,
鲜蛋的贮藏,除了使用冰箱以外,还有多种方法,现介绍如下: (一)谷物贮藏法: 取一只小缸,洗净晒干,将干燥的粮食铺一层在缸底,(大、小麦,稻谷,玉米都行),再将蛋大头向上,小头
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