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具有职业氛围的高职专业文化是专业建设的灵魂,是高职专业教育不可或缺的重要组成部分。高职专业文化建设的顽疾及瓶颈,无法胜任职业适应能力及创新潜质专业技术人才培养的核心宗旨,严重制约了高职教育专业的持续发展。优化专业文化建设,发挥专业文化的熏陶及导向作用,已成为高职教育亟待解决的现实问题。本文剖析了高职专业文化建设瓶颈及制约要素,针对高职专业文化理论认知度提升、顶层设计、教师团队构建及专业文化内涵建设等视角制定举措,为高职专业文化及学生成长环境建设提供理论、实践依据,旨在促进学生职业生涯发展,培养具有社会属性的职业人,有效提升高职院校文化软实力以及专业核心竞争力。 Vocational professional atmosphere with a professional culture is the soul of professionalism, vocational education is an integral part of an indispensable. The ill-health and bottleneck in the cultural construction of higher vocational education can not be qualified as the core tenet of professional adaptability and innovation potential of professional and technical personnel training, seriously restricting the sustainable development of higher vocational education. Optimizing professional culture and exerting the influence and guidance of professional culture has become a real problem to be solved urgently in higher vocational education. This paper analyzes the bottlenecks and constraints of higher vocational education, in view of the higher professional knowledge of cultural theory to enhance awareness, top-level design, teacher team building and professional culture connotation construction and other perspectives to develop initiatives for professional culture and student growth environment To provide theoretical and practical basis, aims to promote the career development of students, cultivate professional people with social attributes, and effectively enhance the cultural soft power of higher vocational colleges and professional core competitiveness.
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