
来源 :肉类工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mxqfeng
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山东是一个农业大省,地处中原肉牛带,发达的农业为畜牧业(尤其是养牛业)提供了可靠的物质保证.全省每年产大量的作物秸杆和饲粮,另有大面积的河滩,林带和荒滩地,饲草饲料资源十分丰富,农民群众历史上素有养牛习惯,加上该省为我国五大优良品种——鲁西牛的原产地,故发展养牛业有着得天独厚的条件.到1997年底,山东省肉牛存栏约1400万头,其中鲁西牛为1000多万头.近几年来,山东省把养牛业作为振兴农村经济,实现农民奔小康的突破口,并围绕养牛业这个龙头,延长产业链条,带动了一大批肉牛屠宰加工企业,皮革加工厂,生化制药厂的发展,特别是1995年以来实施国家科委和农业部下达的肉牛产业化技术开发课题后,肉牛饲养的产业化进程进一步提高,产业化运动机制进一步完善,促进了养牛科技的进步.o Shandong is a large agricultural province. It is located in the belt of the Central China beef cattle. The developed agriculture provides a reliable material guarantee for the animal husbandry (especially the cattle raising industry). The province produces a large amount of crop straws and grains each year, and has a large area. The riverbanks, forest belts, and barren lands are rich in forage and fodder resources. The peasants have been known for their cattle breeding habits in history, and the province is the origin of Luxi cattle, one of China’s five fine varieties. Therefore, the development of the cattle breeding industry has unique advantages. By the end of 1997, there were about 14 million beef cattle in Shandong, of which Luxi cattle were more than 10 million. In recent years, Shandong Province has used the cattle industry as a breakthrough to revitalize the rural economy and achieve peasants’ well-being. The leading cattle industry, extending the industrial chain, has led to the development of a large number of beef cattle slaughtering and processing companies, leather processing plants, and biochemical pharmaceutical plants, especially since 1995 when the State Council for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture issued the beef cattle industrialization technology development project. The industrialization of beef cattle breeding has been further improved, the industrialization mechanism has been further improved, and the advancement of cattle breeding technology has been promoted.