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语文是人们学习一切科学文化和从事各种社会活动的重要工具。提高语文教学质量,加速培养学生的语文能力,是培养四化建设人才,提高全民族科学文化水平的一项迫切任务。当前,中小学语文教学费时甚多,而效率不高,有些地区和学校的教学质量还没有恢复到“文革”前的水平,这种状况很不适应培养四化建设人才的要求。为此,本刊本期报道了“中学语文教学笔谈”和“小学语文教学研究”两组文章,意在交流经验,研究问题,希望进一步引起广大中小学语文教师对改进教学的重视。 提高中小学语文教学质量,要做的工作很多,这里主要说三点: Language is an important tool for people to learn all scientific culture and engage in various social activities. Improving the quality of Chinese language teaching and accelerating the development of students’ language ability is an urgent task in cultivating the talents of Sihua and improving the scientific and cultural level of the whole nation. At present, Chinese language teaching in primary and secondary schools is time-consuming and inefficient, and the quality of teaching in some regions and schools has not yet returned to the level before the “Cultural Revolution”. This situation is very unsuited to the requirement of training the talents for the four modernization projects. To this end, this issue of the magazine reported on the “secondary Chinese language teaching pen” and “primary language teaching research” two sets of articles, intended to exchange experience and research issues, and hope to further arouse the majority of primary and secondary language teachers to improve teaching. There are many tasks to be taken to improve the quality of Chinese teaching in primary and secondary schools. Here are three main points:
在医学英语中,就“病人”而言,最常用的词是patient,但这个词实际是指“接受治疗者”(a person receiving medical treatment),包括一切找医生检查、诊断、治疗的人,甚至包
There are a few persons still living who recall the time when the meremention of the word “smallpox” was enough to frighten the strongestman. And it is no wo
英语字头tri- 表示“三”;tetra- 表示“四”;penta- 表示“五”;hexa- —“六”;hepta- —“七”;oct- —“八”;ennea- (或nona-)—“九”;deca- —“十”;hendeca- —“