The Conquest of Smallpox

来源 :大学英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulijun
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There are a few persons still living who recall the time when the meremention of the word “smallpox” was enough to frighten the strongestman. And it is no wonder that it did, for smallpox was almostuniversal. Practically everyone had smallpox, sooner or later, and itkilled a high percentage of its victims. Those who survived the disease There are a few persons still living who recall the time when the meremention of the word “smallpox” was enough to frighten the strongestman. And it is no wonder that it did, for smallpox was almostuniversal. Practically everyone had smallpox, sooner or Later, and itkilled a high percentage of its victims.
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