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1 为什么说开通二元结构与双轨体制的通道,促进二元结构转换与双轨体制的相互协调、相互配套是现阶段中国经济发展和改革的主题呢?其立论依据如下: 1、中国经济正处于二元结构与双轨体制并存的经济发展阶段。 改革把中国推入了一个史无前例的经济发展阶段,如何认识这一阶段的社会性质、经济矛盾和发展主题,观察角度不同,认识判断就不同。改革开放以来,随着国外经济学理论的引入,关于中国经济发展阶段、矛盾和主题的讨论日益活跃。有的同志从传统发展经济学角度出发,认为当前中国正处于二元结构转换时期。这个时期的基本矛盾是传统经济与现代经济的矛盾,发展的主题是推进经济的现代化,以生产力发展为中心,将落后的传统经济改造成为先进的现代经济。有的同志从比较体制经济学出发,认为当前中国正处于新旧双轨体制改革时期,即从传统的产品经济体制向现代市场经济体制的转轨时期。其基本矛盾是产品经济旧体制与市场经济新体制的矛盾,发展的主题是以体制改革为中心促进旧体制向新体制的转轨,经济发展要为市场化改革让路。 纵观世界各国经济发展的历史,我们看到经济结构的转换历来是社会经济从传统到现代转变的关键。在整个社会经济发展中,如果没有一系列经济结构的变化,很难看得出单 1 Why do we say that the dualistic structure and the dual track system should be opened to promote the coordination between the dual structure transformation and the dual track system and the mutual supportiveness should be the theme of China’s economic development and reform at the present stage? The arguments are as follows: 1. China’s economy is at Economic Development Stages in Which Dual Structure and Dual System Coexist. The reform pushed China into an unprecedented stage of economic development. How to understand the social nature, economic contradictions and development themes at this stage, and different perspectives on different stages of cognition and judgment are different. Since the introduction of reform and opening up, with the introduction of foreign economic theory, discussions on China’s stage of economic development, conflicts and themes have become increasingly active. Some comrades from the perspective of traditional development economics think that China is currently in the period of duality transformation. The basic contradiction in this period is the contradiction between the traditional economy and the modern economy. The theme of development is to push forward the economic modernization, take the development of productive forces as the center and transform the backward traditional economy into an advanced modern economy. Some comrades proceeded from the perspective of comparative institutional economics and concluded that China is currently in a period of reform of the new and old dual-track systems, that is, from the traditional system of product economy to the modern market economy. Its basic contradiction is the contradiction between the old economic system and the new one in the market economy. The theme of development is to promote the transition from the old system to the new one with the system reform as the center, and give way to the market-oriented reform through economic development. Looking at the history of economic development in various countries in the world, we have seen that the transformation of economic structure has always been the key to the transformation of the social economy from tradition to modern times. In the entire social and economic development, if there is no change in a series of economic structure, it is difficult to see a single
摘要:本文以2009年第十一届全运会跆拳道男子比赛中边角战术的运用为研究对象,运用文献资料法、录像观察法和数据统计法等,对边角战术在男子跆拳道比赛中的运用进行统计分析。随着新规则的不断出台,边角战术在比赛中的优势将会显得越来越重要,通过对比赛得分的统计分析,使我们能够更加了解边角战术在比赛中的优缺点,并且为今后运动员更好的运用边角战术提出建议和意见。  关键词:跆拳道 比赛 边角战术 运用  一、