The power of a smile

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  A smile is a beautiful thing. It’s a symbol of happiness and a force of nature. Yes, a force of nature. Have you ever observed what happens within you when you smile, or better yet, forced yourself to smile when you’re feeling down?
  Give it a try right now. No matter how you’re feeling or what’s going on in your life, close your eyes and smile. Observe the feeling of warmth that wells up in your belly as you do it. Observe the move in your energy as you turn that frown upside down. If you’re still not convinced, go in front of a mirror and notice how you look when you’re smiling. Once again, observe how you feel within as your facial expression changes. If you’re feeling particularly cheeky, look yourself in the eyes, smile and say, “You’re awesome!”
  現在马上试一下吧。无论你现在感觉怎样或生活中发生了什么, 闭上你的双眼微笑起来。感受一下你微笑时温暖从腹部涌上来的感觉。观察一下你舒展双眉时精神状态的转变。若你还有所犹豫,那么就站到镜子前,注意观察自己微笑时的样子,再一次体会面部表情变化时你身体的感受。若你觉得自己特别厚脸皮,不妨看着眼中的自己,微笑着说:“你真了不起!”
  I believe that a smile is one of the most powerful and most valuable gifts that we, as humans, have. It embodies our ability to create and our ability to express the infinite love that is within us. What’s even more amazing is that we can share this gift with others. Have you smiled today? Keep smiling.
  (5 月 8 日是世界微笑日。今天你微笑了吗?)Cathy 翻译整理
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