Using full duplex relaying in device-to-device(D2D)based wireless multicast services:a two-user case

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchenglin427
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D2D communication has been proposed as an important supplement to the existing centralized cellular networks which allows two physically adjacent cellular user equipments(UEs) to communicate directly.This paper concerns using D2 D to improve wireless multicast services in cellular networks. Specially, we consider a D2 D transmitter UE can act as a full-duplex(FD) relay to assist a cellular multicast from a base station(BS) to a group of two UEs. And a new scheme which allows an intra-cell D2 D retransmission to underlay a cellular multicast is proposed. Under the constraint of the minimum signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio(SINR) required by each of the receiver UEs, the aim of the scheme is to select the best UE in a multicast group to perform the D2 D retransmission with the serving BS. Thus, the aggregate transmit power consumed at the BS and at the selected UE can be minimized. The numerical results show that the proposed scheme outperforms traditional cellular multicast scheme as it consumes less transmit power to achieve the same SINR target at the receiver UEs. D2D communication has been proposed as an important supplement to the existing centralized cellular networks which allows two physically adjacent cellular user equipments (UEs) to communicate directly. This paper concerns using D2 D to improve wireless multicast services in cellular networks. Specially, we consider a D2D transmitter UE can act as a full-duplex (FD) relay to assist a cellular multicast from a base station (BS) to a group of two UEs. And a new scheme which allows an intra-cell D2D retransmission to underlay a Under the constraint of the minimum signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) required by each of the receiver UEs, the aim of the scheme is to select the best UE in a multicast group to perform the D2 D retransmission with the serving BS. Thus, the aggregate transmit power consumed at the BS and at the selected UE can be minimized. The numerical results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the traditional cellular multicast scheme as it consumes less transmit power to achieve the same SINR target at the receiver UEs.
摘 要 高中是检验从小学以来乃至初中各个阶段学习是否扎实的第一站,也是学生能否考上大学从而完成人生理想的最后一站,因此,高中可以说是学生学习生涯中最重要的一个阶段了。进入高中后,所有知识都变得抽象化,难度上也层层升级,尤其是高中物理,作为理科中最具有代表性的学科之一,他不像数学那样简单地套公式能得到答案,也不像化学那样熟记各种元素就可以轻松解题,物理中蕴含了太多的未知因素,尽管有物理前辈的实验与结
摘 要 小学音乐能够引导学生建立积极的人生态度,丰富学生的情感构建过程。学习音乐欣赏的过程,能够帮助扩大学生的音乐知识领域和鉴赏水平。对于小学生来说,他们的音乐知识相对匮乏,尚处于音乐学习的启蒙阶段,需要通过学习音乐欣赏,才能走入音乐的殿堂,了解音乐的魅力,才能培养自身的形象思维能力,理解音乐的深层含义,培养和发掘自身的美感。  关键词 小学音乐;欣赏教学;策略  中图分类号:D045 文獻标识码
摘 要 小学英语对话可以有效提高学生的听说能力,培育学生良好的英语应用习惯,激发他们对英语学习的兴趣,增强他们对英语学习的积极性、主动性和自觉性,最终获得良好的英语语言驾驭能力。  关键词 小学英语;对话教学;策略  中图分类号:G623 文献标识码:A 文章編号:1002-7661(2019)18-0132-01  在小学英语教学的具体实践中,必须切实充分利用好教材中提供的情景对话,积极构建更加
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摘 要 新课改的深入推进实施使得学生学习力持续提升培养成为当前一线教师在数学课堂中关注的重要课题,小学数学涉及的内容知识并非对公式与概念的死记硬背,需要学生思维的反复操练与强化,这就对学生自主参与到学习活动中提出了更高要求。小学阶段的学生可塑性较强,教师可以基于学生学情和具体教学内容从以下四个方面深入探讨。  关键词 小学数学;中高年级;学习力;教学策略  中图分类号:G622 文献标识码:A 文
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目的:分析儿童狼疮性肾炎(lupus nephritis, LN)的临床、病理特点,尤其注重分析儿童LN肾小管间质损伤及血管性病变的临床病理特点;同时从LN患儿肾组织细胞凋亡及凋亡相关基因
摘 要 新课改的到来,对教学提出更高的要求,注重素质教育的实现。素质教育要求教师们在教学实施过程中把学生作为课堂的主体,秉承以学生为本的教学原则。结合学生的认知水平和特点,实施有效的教学策略,在不断激发学生主体性和发展语言素养的同时,使得英语这一语言教学成功的开展与进行,从而实现教学目标,提高课堂质量。  关键词 初中英语;生本教育;问题;策略  中图分类号:B01,D045 文献标识码:A 文章