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身为领导者,你是否为属下提供足够的培训,让他们有效地执行任务?万一投下大笔培训费用,属下却仗着新学的技术另谋高就,是否会令你无言以对?更何况人才的培养所费不赀,以致大 As a leader, do you provide enough training for your subordinates to effectively carry out their tasks? In the unlikely event that you cast a large sum of training costs, you are reluctant to find another way to start a new career. In addition to the cultivation of talent not to mention, so large
AIM:To evaluate the clinical value of the newly modified Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s disease(m SES-CD).METHODS:Seventy-six Crohn’s disease(CD) patient
Over the past decade the ability of endoscopists to access the biliary tree in patients with surgically altered gastroduodenal anatomy has significantly advance
AIM:To assess the rate of relapses of acute pancreatitis(AP),recurrent AP(RAP)and the evolution of endosonographic signs of chronic pancreatitis(CP)in patients
爱熬夜的女儿: 我看见你一个人在工作,确实有点儿感到不安。当我就这一点问起你 Daughter who stays up late: I see you feel unnerving at work. When I ask you about t
目的前瞻性探讨人群基线IL-6、NO水平与脑卒中发病的关联。方法对2 589名蒙古族居民进行基线调查,采集血清样本检测IL-6和NO,随访研究人群脑卒中发病和死亡情况。结果男性IL-
AIM: To study at what temperature the oxygen carried by the perfusate meets liver requirements in a model of organ perfusion. METHODS: in this study, we correla