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患者,女,23岁,因“正常性生活未避孕,未孕4+年”于2011年3月21日收住华西第二医院生殖内分泌科。患者1年前在外院行子宫输卵管造影示“子宫形态正常,右侧输卵管未见明确显示,左侧输卵管伞端及壶腹部未见确切显示,未见确切造影剂进入盆腔”。患者月经规律,经期3~4天,周期32~34天,经量中,偶尔痛经,G0P0,丈夫在外院行精液检查未见异常,为进一步诊治收入我科。既往史、个人史无特殊。入院查体:外观发育正常,一般情况好。妇科检查:外阴发育正常,已婚未产式, Patients, female, 23 years old, because “normal life without contraception, not pregnant 4+ years” on March 21, 2011 admitted to West China Second Hospital Reproductive Endocrinology. Patients 1 year ago in the hospital outside the line of hysterosalpingography “normal uterus, the right tubal did not clearly show that the left side of the oviduct and ampulla showed no exact end, no exact contrast agent into the pelvis.” Patients with menstrual regularity, menstrual 3 to 4 days, the cycle of 32 to 34 days, by volume, and occasionally dysmenorrhea, G0P0, her husband in the hospital outside the hospital did not see abnormal semen examination for further diagnosis and treatment income of our department. Past history, personal history no special. Admission examination: the appearance of normal development, the general situation is good. Gynecological examination: vulvar development is normal, married unproductive,
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