
来源 :天津医药肿瘤学附刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinesechinese123456
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肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤较罕见。收集国内资料连同本组报告3例,共44例,占同期肛管直肠恶性肿瘤的0.26~2.5%。此病发生于齿状线区的肛管黑色素母细胞,向直肠下1/3蔓延生长。肿瘤皆为息肉型或结节型的隆起型病变。多为单发;少有多发,国内仅见1例,占2.3%。肿瘤多含色素而呈棕褐色,但确诊仍须病理证实。为减少医源性转移,强调手术时取病检,后即行根治术。本病恶性程度高,预后差。为提高生存率,本文介绍我院采用以手术为主,配合 BCG 免疫疗法及化疗的综合疗法。 Anorectal malignant melanoma is rarer. Collected domestic data together with 3 cases of this group of reports, a total of 44 cases, accounting for 0.26 to 2.5% of malignant tumors of the anal canal and rectum during the same period. The disease occurs in the anal canal melanocytes in the dentate line and spreads to the lower third of the rectum. Tumors are all polypoid or nodular uplift lesions. Most of them are solitary; there are few occurrences, and only one case is found in the country, accounting for 2.3%. Tumors contain pigments and are brownish, but the diagnosis must still be confirmed by pathology. In order to reduce iatrogenic transfer, emphasis is placed on the examination of the disease at the time of surgery, and radical surgery is followed. The disease is highly malignant and has a poor prognosis. In order to improve the survival rate, this article describes the use of surgery in our hospital, combined with BCG immunotherapy and chemotherapy comprehensive therapy.
本文将我院1956~1980年经手术切除和尸体解剖病理证实的细支气管肺泡细胞癌(简称细支肺泡癌)32例,就其X线表现分析报告如下。 In this paper, 32 cases of bronchoalveolar
胸腺是免疫系统的中枢器官之一,它参于造血的调节已有不少报导,胸腺 The thymus gland is one of the central organs of the immune system. It has been reported that h
耳廓多发性纤维瘤较少见,国内文献报导过两例巨大纤维瘤,我科于1978年收治一例耳廓多发性纤维瘤,现报导如下。 Auricular multifibroma is rare, and two cases of giant f
尽管许多著明的外科医生,介绍了优秀的外科技术改善结肠脾区癌肿的疗效,但在我们的手术效果中,还是很不满意的。1.Warren coie’s使用带子在切除的两端扎住,以达到防止癌细
华灯初上的夜,踏人外滩六号的电梯,找到了位于顶楼的意大利餐厅 VISUS。而我们的目的地——VISUS 中的酒吧 INDIGO,一如它美丽的名字,正散发着浓郁的别样风情。当它蓝色的慵