
来源 :教育理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch010
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当前,农村教育存在许多问题,现状令人担忧,其根本问题在于投资不足,教学质量低下。任何改革都不能以削弱农村教育的基础地位为代价,任何低水平的教育对农村都是有害无益的,农村同样需要高层次的文化基础教育。解决农村教育问题的根本出路在于改善农村的整体办学条件,提高办学质量,提供和扩大农村学生能够上得起的、廉价的受教育机会,提高农村新增劳动力的受教育水平,提高农村学生不断接受新知识、新技术的能力,使之逐步接近和达到城乡一体化劳动力对基础文化教育的要求,为个人以及社会的长期发展打下良好的基础。这是农村教育的基本目标,也是国家和各级政府义不容辞的职责,任何有损于这一目标实现的办法都是不可取的。 At present, there are many problems in rural education. The status quo is worrying. The fundamental problem lies in the under-investment and the poor teaching quality. Any reform can not be at the expense of weakening the basic position of rural education. Any low-level education is detrimental to the rural areas. Rural areas also need a high-level basic education in culture. The fundamental way to solve rural educational problems is to improve the overall conditions for running schools in rural areas, improve the quality of running schools, provide and expand access to affordable and affordable education for rural students, improve the educational level of new rural labor force, and improve the quality of rural students The ability to accept new knowledge and new technologies, gradually bring them closer to and meet the requirements of the integrated urban-rural labor education for basic education, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of individuals and society. This is the basic goal of rural education and the bounden duty of the state and all levels of government. Any measure that will undermine this goal is not desirable.
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成人教育作为国民教育的一个重要组成部分 ,在社会的政治、经济、文化生活中日益扮演着越来越重要的角色 ,起到了促进了社会发展的作用。本文对世界上经济发达国家成人教育发
1997年6月~1998年6月应用善得定治疗上消化道大出血病人32例,取得满意疗效,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料按治疗顺序随机将上消化道大出血病人分为两组。治疗组与对照
目标体系与手段体系经济政策的选择和其他领域的行为选择一样,由目标的选择与手段或政策工具的选择组成。所谓目标的选择,就是表明其公共团体以何 Target System and Means