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  1. It is known to us all that China has won ________ most medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which offers a good chance for the world to have ________ better understanding of China.
  A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. the; a
  2. ________there is enough sunshine and rain that the crops grow well?
  A. Where is it B. Is that whereC. Is it where D. Is it the place
  3. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, ________ they knew it to be valuable.
  A. as if B. now thatC. even thoughD. so that
  4. He’s always ________ and trying to impress his classmates.
  A. showing off B. showing up C. making off D. making up
  5. Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are ______ that can’t be bought with money.
   A. these B. those C. ones D. some
  6.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience on benches, chairs or boxes.
   A.having seated B.seating C.seated D.being seated
  7.—I _________ my son to Laos for sightseeing.
  —I would rather you didn’t do that, for the bird flu _________ several lives there.
  A. took; claimed B. am taking; has claimed
  C. took; had claimedD. will take; claimed
  8.—The light was on the whole morning.
  —It __________on. I turned it off when I left.
  A. can’t beB. mustn’t beC. can’t have been D. mustn’t have been
  9. Being color-blind, Sally can’t make a __________ between red and green.
  A. difference B. distinction B. discovery D. division
  10.—I hope you’ve read the instructions.
   —Yes, of course _______.
  A. I did B. I will C. I do D. I have
  11.—Have you looked through the plan?
   —Not yet. This plan is _________ of careful consideration.
  A. short B. independentC. proud D. worthy
  12. Our goal is to build a harmonious society _________ all people are well educated, workers well paid, patients well treated, elders well tended, and families well accommodated.
  A. which B. that C. in which D. in that
  13.______ that everyone got excited.
  A. He made a so inspiring speech B. He made a speech so inspiring
  C. So inspiring he made a speech D. So inspiring a speech did he make
  14. It’s a secret. Why don’t we go and talk about this somewhere quieter? _______, you know.
   A. Once bitten,twice shy B. Money talks
   C. Walls have earsD. Like father,like son
  15. We missed our train, and _______ the next train was delayed, ________ we had to wait for
  two hours.
  A. on top of that; so B. as a result; then
  C. what was worse; however D. because; therefore
  16. We will be shown around the parks, schools and some places of interest, other tourists
  often go.
  A.what B.which C.whereD.when
  17. It is required that more attention the working conditions of the workers in our country. 学科网
  A.should be paid to keep B.be paid to having kept 学科网
   C.should be paid to have improved D.be paid to improving 学科
  18. Adults who are skilled and active sometimes _________ provide target models of behavior in the course of everyday activities.
  A. gradually B. desperately C. ambiguously D. unintentionally
  19.—Tracy. It’s not ___ good idea to study for hours without ___ break.
   —Got it, Mummy.
  A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the
  20.—How shall I cut the big cake into pieces, Daddy?
  A. I can’t help it. B. Do it any way you like.C. Forget it. D. That is OK.
  21.—Why is it ________ so many people enjoy eating on the run?
   —Of course, the most obvious answer is that fast food is fast.
  A. that B. which C. what D. how
  22. With hard work over the past half century and more, China ________ great progress.
  A. achieved B. has achieved C. had achieved D. is achieving
  23.—Oh, John, what shall I do? My boss dislikes me!
   —Well, come on! Let’s __________ your troubles and enjoy the party!
  A. put down B. put aside C. put off D. put out
  24. Premier Wen’s Europe visit could solve some existing problems between China and the EU.
  Trade protectionism is ________ problem.
  A. such one B. a such C. one such D. one of
  25. ¬¬Hollywood star Sharon Stone’s words on Sichuan earthquake ______ her image. Nobody in China ______ her any more.
  A. destroyed; would like B. has destroyed; likes
  C. destroyed; will like D. had destroyed; liked
  26. Obama steps forward to lay his left hand on the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln
  ___ at his first inauguration (就职典礼) in 1861.
  A.uses B. would use C. used D. had used
  27. Something has gone wrong with the new camera. It _________ not work.
   A. shall B. will C. would D. may
  28. 科Theof surfing the Internet is how you can tell whether the information is true or not.
  学科网 A. abilityB. competition C. challengeD. knowledge
  29. A German sociologist, Zigmunt Bauman says a habit ________ when one is young is difficult
  to get rid of in one’ s later life.
  A. forms B. forming C. to form D. formed
  30. Onlyas an interpreter how important it is to master English.
  A. when did I work; I realized B. When I worked; I realized
   C. when did I work; did I realize D. When I worked; did I realize
  1. D。考查冠词的用法。第一空为形容词最高级,前面须加the;第二空understanding为抽
  2. C。考查强调句结构的一般问句式。此句是对where there is enough sunshine and rain这一
  3. C。考查连词的用法。根据句意,此句应表达让步。意为“即使他们知道他的建议很有价
  4. A。考查动词短语的辨析。show off 意为“炫耀”,show up 意为“出现,露面”,make off
  意为“匆忙离开, 逃走”,make up 意为“弥补, 虚构, 整理, 化妆等”。
  5. B。考查代词的用法。those这里是特指,而ones表示泛指。
  6. C。考查非谓语动词的用法。此句是with的复合结构,seat和the audience存在动宾关系,
  7. B。考查动词的时态。第一空是take用进行时表示将来,第二空用现在完成时,意为“禽
  8. C。考查情态动词的用法。对过去的可能性进行比较肯定的推测用“can’t have done”。
  9. B。考查名词的辨析。make a distinction意为“区别”。
  10. D。考查时态的用法。根据语境答句意为“我当然已经读过说明了”,故用现在完成时的
  11. D。考查形容词的用法。be worthy of 意为“值得”。
  12. C。考查定语从句的用法。in which在定语从句中作状语。
  13. D。考查倒装语序的用法。so…that…这一结构当So置于句首时须实行主谓倒装。
  14. C。考查英语谚语的意思。C项意为“隔墙有耳”。
  15. A。考查短语和副词的用法。on top of…意为“除此之外”。根据句意可知第二空和前面
  16. C。考查定语从句的用法。where在从句中作地点状语。
  17. D。本题将虚拟语气与动词短语糅合在一起考查。由于动词是require,因此该句须用虚
  拟语气,再加上pay attention to的to为介词,故选D。
  18. D。考查副词的用法。本句意思为“在日常活动的过程中熟练、活跃的成年人有时不经
  19. A。a good idea“好主意”,break常用作单数,表示“休息一会儿”。
  20. B。语境考查。I can’t help it.我就是忍不住。Do it any way you like. 你爱怎么干就怎么干。
  Forget it. 不必在意。That is OK.没关系。根据语境,答案为B。
  21. A。考查强调句的特殊疑问句。
  22. B。根据时间状语over the past half century and more可知,时态为现在完成时。
  23. B。考查动词短语的区别。put aside意为“撇开;把…放在一边”。
  24. C。考查代词用法。such与many, one, no等词一起修饰名词时,这些词放在such前面,
  即:many (one, no, all, some, several etc.)+such+单数或复数可数名词。例如: One such
  table is enough.这样的桌子,有一张就够了。There is no such word.没有这样的词。There
  are already many such products已经有许多这样的产品了。故答案选C。
  25. B。考查正确运用时态。 第一空强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响,第二空陈述的客观
  26. C。考查正确运用时态。由题干中的表过去具体时间状语in 1861可知,用一般过去时。
  27. B。情态动词will表示功能。
  28. C。考查名词的辨析。challenge意思为“挑战”。
  29. D。过去分词短语作定语修饰a habit。
  30. D。Only加状语置于句首主句须倒装。
参考公式:  样本数据x1,x2,…xn的方差s2=1nΣni=1(x1-x)2,其中x=1nΣni=1x1  一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在相应位置上.  1.已知集合M={-1,1},N=x120)个单位后,图象恰好为函数y=-f′(x)的图象,则m的最小值为.  11.椭圆x2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>
一、高考英语听力题的特点简析    1. 命题意图  高考听力题是检查听的各项微技能的综合运用的试题,力图从各个方面比较全面地考查考生根据所提供的不同生活实际环境下的境况用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。  2. 微技能考查  领略主旨、要义的能力;获取详细的事实性信息的能力;对谈话的背景、说话者之间的关系进行推断的能力;理解说话者意图、观点或态度的能力。  3. 语料和题干特点  10段语言材料题
代数式有关的试题历来是高考命题的常客,与之相关的代数式变形能力成为高考考查的重点,也是考生能否解决问题的关键.随着高考复习深入,考试渐多,考生逐渐感觉到代数试题答题失误率高,一个重要的原因就是考生代数式变形能力弱导致的.那么如何有效地提高考生代数式变形能力呢?这里作简要介绍供参考.  一、利用基本不等式求最值中的代数式变形  【例1】(2008江苏卷)设 是正实数,满足 ,则 的最小值是 .  【
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-20各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳答案,并填在答题卡上。  A  A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I___1___that there was an electronic keyboard o
三角是高考每年必考内容之一,在填空题,解答题中均有可能出现. 填空题主要考查基础知识、公式及其涉及的运算,三角函数图象与性质等,解答题中以中等难度为主,涉及三角函数部分,解斜三角形,公式较多,易混淆. 所以在解题过程中,一定要树立目标意识,学会差异分析.   差异分析,是指通过分析条件与结论之间差异,并不断减少目标差来完成解题的策略. 使用这种策略通常要求:  (1)通过分析题目的条件与结论所得出
在高考的阅读理解试题或模拟测试试题中常常会碰到一些划线部分的句子,要求学生根据划线部分的内容选择一个合适的答案。乍一看,这些内容似乎很简单,因为没有生词。但仔细揣摩却发现并非那么容易理解,其原因是这些句子都有蕴藏着内涵意义,常常使学生感到困惑不解。此时学生应根据上下文的线索以及作者的意图去加以分析,才能理解其正确涵义。现从部分试题中摘取一些加以分析和归纳,旨在学生更好地解题。  1. When I
1背景介绍  根据2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学科(江苏卷)考试说明,平面解析几何重点考察直线、圆的方程(均升为C级),而淡化椭圆(降为B级)、双曲线、抛物线(均降为A级)的考察,解答过程一般不涉及韦达定理.为此,平面解析几何大题如何考察成为新高考的热点话题之一,本文就2009届南京市与南通市高三第一次模拟考试(数学卷)中的两道解析几何大题展开探讨,以供大家复习参考.  2试题评析  
在平时考试或高考之后学生经常反映:“公式、性质、定理我们都会,为什么就是不会做题”.特别是知道答案之后,又感到遗憾和惋惜.因为用的知识和方法都是学过的.究其原因,一个重要的原因就是不会寻求解题途径,这就需要教师在平时的教学中有意识的灌输解题的途径.本文拟对一些常规的解题途径作一个归纳,供同行参考.  一、分析法和综合法是寻求解题途径的基本方法  寻求解题途径,首先要深刻理解已知条件,要注意挖掘那些
任务型阅读要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息用恰的词语完成与短文相关的图表。做任务型阅读时,我们需要理解文章内容及表格结构,在理解的基础上将文章定位到的信息转换成适当形式填入表格中。信息转换时有一定的思路和方法,掌握了这种方法就能达到事半功倍。下面我们来介绍常见的种种转换方法。    一、名词数和格的转换    1.英语中,可数名词表示类别时可以用a/the+单数形式,也可以用复数形式 (这时名词前不
“不同的句式”主要有:判断句、被动句、省略句、倒装句、固定句式等。“不同的用法”专指词类活用。  文言文中的判断句,一般用“……者,……也”“……,……也”“……者,……”“……,……者也”、“……者,……者也”表示判断,有时也用“乃、为、则、皆、是”等表示判断,表示否定判断用“非”“未”“无”“莫”等。  古汉语中的被动句有四种类型:一是用介词“见”“于”“见……于……”表示被动,二是用“为”“