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事实真理即事实判断。理性真理即价值判断。从事实判断的主客体关系来说,主体的认识在何种程度上反映了客体,即在主体的认识中是否包含不依赖于主体的客体内容。也就是说,要相对客观、准确、公正地反映现实,必须从客观对象的实际出发,尽可能客观地把握对象自身的发展规律。这就是事实判断。从价值判断的主客体关系来说,主体为什么认识客体,这种认识在何种程度上符合主体自身的利益、需要和愿望。这就是价值判断。事实判断回答的是客观对象是“是什么”的问题;价值判断回答的是“客体是否符合主体需要”的问题。两者之间既有联系又相互区别。符合主体自身利益与愿望的判断并不一定都是正确的判断,因为任何一种认识和判断都与人的自身利益相关。仅仅与自身利益和愿望相关的价值判断与这个判断是否正确是两个不同的问题,为此,客体符合什么样的主体需要才是价值判断的关键所在。 Factual truth is factual judgment. Rational truth is value judgment. From the judgment of the relationship between subject and object, to what extent the understanding of the subject reflects the object, that is, whether the subject contains the subject independent of the content of the subject. In other words, we must relatively objectively, accurately and fairly reflect the reality. We must proceed from the reality of objective objects and grasp as objectively as possible the objective laws governing the development of our own. This is a factual judgment. From the judgment of the relationship between the subject and the object, why does the subject recognize the object? To what extent does this understanding fit the subject’s own interests, needs and wishes. This is the value judgment. The factual judgment answers the question that the objective object is “what is it?”; The value judgments answer the question of whether “the object conforms to the subject’s need”. There are both connections and differences between the two. Judgments consistent with the interests and aspirations of the subject are not always correct judgments because any kind of knowledge or judgment is related to one’s own interests. Only the value judgments related to their own interests and aspirations and the judgment is correct are two different issues. For this reason, what kind of subject needs should be the object is the key of value judgments.
流布在南北盘江、红水河畔的布依族人民的戏剧样式——布依戏,于1956年贵州省第一届工农业余文艺调演荟萃时,方为人们耳闻、悦目。 似星罗棋布洒于乡间村寨并长期为布依族人
To study the characteristic of liquid-liquid extraction equilibrium of lithium from brine sources,the complexes formed from tributyl phosphate(TBP) and methyl i