
来源 :轻合金加工技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbrichard
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序言当在实际中发现用连续长的金属纤维和陶瓷纤维来强化金属越来越得到应用的时候,短纤维强化金属的工艺还处于发展阶段。发展较晚的原因,一方面由于缺乏相应短而且均匀的强化纤维。另一方面由于发展定向嵌入短纤维在技术标准上可实现的工艺不完善。除此之外,由于短纤维或品须具有特殊的抗张强度和弹性模量,因此它们的价格还相当高。这对于顺利地发展一种较为理想的晶须是有困难的。碳化硅晶须的质量目前有了显著的提高,是由于近几年来关于晶须长大方法和分类方法得到改进。制取工艺在相应发展的情况下,晶须价格比目前市埸上出售的陶瓷纤维(连续的)有了显著的下降。 INTRODUCTION The practice of short fiber-reinforced metal is still in its infancy, as it has been found in practice that reinforcing metals are increasingly used with continuous lengths of metallic and ceramic fibers. The reason for the later development, on the one hand, is due to the lack of corresponding short and uniform reinforcing fibers. On the other hand due to the development of directional embedded short staple technology standards can be achieved imperfect. In addition, they are still relatively expensive due to their special tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. This is difficult for the smooth development of a more desirable whisker. The quality of silicon carbide whiskers has now been significantly improved due to improvements in methods and classification of whiskers in recent years. In the case of corresponding developments, the price of whiskers has dropped significantly from that of ceramic fibers (continuous) sold on the market today.
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引言对以二次碳化物、σ和 x 相的作用为特征的奥氏体不锈钢已进行过广泛的研究。焊接研究会高合金委员会和 Auld 已发表的长期曝露试验的结果,是关于300系不锈钢在各种环境
(一)含钛消气剂的制造方法 日本公开特许 昭49—49571 荷兰菲利浦公司 本发明涉及的消气剂主要由BaAl_(?)和含钛材料组成。把这种(?)气混合物的压结环(?)在显(?)管的锥体内,
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研究用含10%—25%锆的硅溶体浸渍МПГ级致密石墨。由于孔内物资移动的机理不同,浸渍可以分为两个级段。 在开始级段(0—50秒)浸渍的深度取于时间的平方定律。试验曲线的第二
前言 根据铁磁体技术磁化理论,畴壁位移或磁畴转动对初导磁率的贡献,一般表达为μ_0∞Js~2/keff。式中Js是饱和磁化强度,主要由合金成份决定;keff是总有效各向异性常数。显