
来源 :中国呼吸与危重监护杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhefen
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目的评价吸氧和局部增压对高原缺氧的治疗效果。方法在3992m海拔高度选取健康男性45名(非高原世居,高原居住时间1~2年),随机分为吸氧组、单兵增氧呼吸器组、无创通气组三组。吸氧组采用常规经鼻吸氧,流量2L/min;单兵增氧呼吸器组采用单兵高原增氧呼吸器辅助呼吸;无创通气组采用双水平无创正压通气(BiPAP)辅助呼吸,吸气压力(IPAP)10cmH2O、呼气压力(EPAP)4cmH2O;干预时间均为30min,单兵增氧呼吸器组和无创通气组在受试前30min及受试期间均不吸氧。分别测定各组静息状态下和干预30min时的PaO2、PaCO2、SpO2及心率(HR)等指标。结果吸氧组PaO2从治疗前的(54.43±3.01)mmHg增高到治疗后的(91.36±10.99)mmHg(P<0.01),PaCO2从(30.41±1.51)mmHg提高到(32.56±2.98)mmHg(P<0.05);无创通气组PaO2从治疗前的(53.30±4.88)mmHg增高到治疗后的(58.58±5.05)mmHg(P<0.01),PaCO2从(28.74±2.91)mmHg降低到(25.82±4.35)mmHg(P<0.05);单兵增氧呼吸器组PaO2从治疗前的(56.00±5.75)mmHg降低到治疗后的(50.82±5.40)mmHg(P<0.05),PaCO2无显著变化[(28.65±2.78)mmHg到(29.75±3.89)mmHg,P>0.05]。结论在3992m海拔高度,吸氧及BiPAP均能显著提高受试者的PaO2及SpO2,单兵增氧呼吸器对PaO2及SpO2无明显改善作用。 Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of oxygen inhalation and local pressurization on plateau hypoxia. METHODS: Forty-five healthy male subjects (non-plateau, living in plateau for 1-2 years) were selected at the altitude of 3992m and randomly divided into three groups: oxygen-absorbing group, man-breathing ventilator group and non-invasive ventilation group. Oxygen inhalation group used routine nasal oxygenation with a flow rate of 2 L / min. In the non-invasive ventilation group, bi-level noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (BiPAP) was used to assist breathing and sucking (IPAP) 10cmH2O and EPAP 4cmH2O. The intervention time was 30min. The oxygen-free respirator group and the noninvasive ventilation group did not inhale oxygen 30min before the test and during the test. PaO2, PaCO2, SpO2 and heart rate (HR) were measured at rest and 30 min after intervention in each group. Results PaO2 increased from (34.43 ± 3.01) mmHg before treatment to 91.36 ± 10.99 mmHg after treatment (P <0.01) and increased from (30.41 ± 1.51) mmHg to (32.56 ± 2.98) mmHg (P <0.01). PaCO2 decreased from (28.74 ± 2.91) mmHg to (25.82 ± 4.35) mmHg after treatment in noninvasive ventilatory group (53.30 ± 4.88) mmHg before treatment (58.58 ± 5.05 mmHg) mmHg (P <0.05). There was no significant change in PaCO2 after PaO2 was decreased from 56.00 ± 5.75 mmHg before treatment to 50.82 ± 5.40 mmHg after treatment ([28.65 ± 2.78) mmHg to (29.75 ± 3.89) mmHg, P> 0.05]. Conclusion At 3992 m above sea level, both oxygen and BiPAP can significantly improve the PaO2 and SpO2 of the subjects, while the man-made aerobic respirator has no significant effect on PaO2 and SpO2.
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