总结经验 再造辉煌——祝贺中国冶金职工思想政治工作研究会成立十周年

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一转眼,中国冶金职工思想政治工作研究要过十周年生日,作为它的顾问,我了解一些它的工作,可称得起一个有作为、有生气的研究会。10年来,在冶金部党组的关怀下,在全体会员单位的积极努力下,它始终坚持以邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论为指针,坚持党的基本路线,为促进企业两个文明建设共同发展做出了重要的贡献。 在改革开放、建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,思想政治工作不仅不能削弱,而且必须加强,这已经为改革开放以来的实践所证明。职工思想政治工作研究会正是在这种新形势下诞生的一支新的思想政治工作骨干力量。它一经诞生,就充分显示出强大的生命力,成为在改革开放、经济体制转轨和企业转机制过程中加强和改进思想政治工作的生力军。冶金工业的蓬勃发展,冶金企业改革的顺利推进 In a blink of an eye, the work of ideological and political work of Chinese metallurgical workers must have a tenth birthday anniversary. As its adviser, I understand some of its work and can be regarded as a promising and vigorous seminar. With the vigorous efforts of all the member units under the care of the Party Group of the Ministry of Metallurgy over the past 10 years, it has always insisted on using the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guideline by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, adhering to the party’s basic line, and promoting the two civilizations of enterprises Common development has made an important contribution. Under the new situation of reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economic system, ideological and political work should not only be weakened, but must also be strengthened. This has been proved by the practice since the reform and opening up. Ideological and political work conference of workers and staff members is just a new backbone of ideological and political work born under this new situation. Once it was born, it fully demonstrated its strong vitality and became a new force in strengthening and improving ideological and political work in the process of reform and opening up, the restructuring of the economy and the transfer of enterprises. The booming development of metallurgical industry, the smooth progress of the reform of metallurgical enterprises
来到鞍山市铁西区大西路小学的那天,恰逢冬季里寒潮来袭,北风劲吹。置身室外,无论穿戴多厚,片刻也会被冻透了。  好在教室里温暖如春,正是红领巾小社团活动时间,我与一位叫王玉红的女生聊了起来。以下便是她说的话——  王玉红这样说  我是六年一班的学生,也快到毕业离校之时了,真舍不得离开校园。为什么?听过我的故事你就知道了。  在我们学校,农民工子女多。我老家就在遥远的河南,父母都在鞍山打工,我是三年级
初中数学学习中,经常遇到整式求值问题.解答它们,有时必须依靠一定的方法和技巧.下面举例介绍,供参考.一、消项例1已知a2+ab=3,ab+b2=-2,那么2a2-ab-3b2= Junior high schoo
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