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随着信息、网络等技术的高速发展,新媒体数量不断增多、类型不断扩展。目前,全国共有84万余个网站、1000余种网络报纸、2万余种网络期刊、300余种手机报刊。新媒体从业者的数量也不断增长。据统计,目前全国共有约300万网络编辑,远远超过传统媒体的采编人数。另一方面,各种媒体的界限越来越模糊,相互融合的速度越来越快,传统媒体越来越深入地参与到新媒体的采编和运营中。对传统媒体来说,有效运用新媒体已不仅是增强竞争力的重要手段,更是扩大影响力、感召力和渗透力的战略选择。新媒体在思维方式、新闻操作手法等方面与传统媒体究竟有哪些不同?从业者需要具备哪些素质?从一个传统媒体人到新媒体从业者要经历哪些转变?新媒体采编队伍人员构成怎样?做新媒体的感觉与传统媒体有哪些差异?传统媒体人员怎样成功转型?这组文章试图回答一些大家共有的疑问。 With the rapid development of technologies such as information and internet, the number of new media is constantly increasing and the types are constantly expanding. At present, there are more than 840,000 websites, more than 1,000 kinds of internet newspapers, over 20,000 internet journals and more than 300 kinds of mobile newspapers and periodicals nationwide. The number of new media practitioners is also growing. According to statistics, there are currently about 3 million online editors in the country, far exceeding the number of editors of traditional media. On the other hand, the boundary of various media is becoming more and more vague, the speed of mutual integration is getting faster and faster, and the traditional media is getting more and more involved in the compilation and operation of new media. To traditional media, effective use of new media has not only become an important means of enhancing competitiveness, but also a strategic choice to expand influence, charisma and penetration. What are the differences between the new media and the traditional media in the ways of thinking, news manipulation, etc. What qualifications should the practitioners have? What changes should be made from a traditional media person to a new media practitioner? What should the new media staff be composed of? What is the difference between the feeling of new media and that of traditional media? How can traditional media personnel make a successful transition? This series of articles attempts to answer some common questions.
110 kV宾浦输电线路改造工程,跨越多,时间紧,不同于新建线路工程.该工程项目部处处从早入手,研究影响施工的重点,预见施工中可能出现的难点,拿出可靠的解决办法.并注意完善质
我并不清楚宾利是不是真的应该这样去做,但是把动力输出加大,对于一款双门GT车型绝不是一件坏事儿,尤其是他们乐于把它撇在赛道上的时候莱柏博士(Wolfgang Schreiber)表示:“
平凉电厂l,2号锅炉输粉管道三维伸缩节在热态运行时 ,喷燃器喷口的连接处发生了旋转 ,靠扭转变形来吸收垂直方向的膨胀位移。为了解决平凉电厂l,2号锅炉输粉管道三维伸缩节存