
来源 :实用预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caonima_0720
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目的对湘潭市高危场所环境样本开展高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的监测,了解其分布情况,明确是否存在潜在感染风险,为防治高致病性禽流感提供科学依据。方法采集湘潭市2010-2012年各城乡活禽市场、家禽规模养殖场、家禽散养户集中的地区、家禽屠宰加工厂等地高危场所环境标本196份,用荧光RT-PCR进行禽流感病毒(H5N1)核酸检测。结果 196份禽流感高危场所环境样本禽流感H5亚型核酸阳性数为16份,总阳性率为8.16%,2010-2012年各年度阳性率差异无统计学意义,不同监测标本阳性率差异无统计学意义,不同场所监测标本阳性率差异有统计学意义,家禽规模养殖场标本H5型阳性率高于其他场所标本,城乡活禽市场H5型阳性率亦较高。结论禽流感高危场所中存在高致病性禽流感潜在传播风险,加强禽流感高危环境监测,加强接触家禽人群的健康教育,提高防范意识,对于切断环境-人这一传播途径和预防人禽流感的传播有重要意义。 Objective To monitor the distribution of H5N1 in high-risk environment in Xiangtan, and to determine whether there is a potential risk of infection and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of HPAI. Methods A total of 196 environmental samples were collected from high-risk sites including live poultry market, poultry scale farms, poultry settlement households and poultry slaughtering and processing plants from 2010 to 2012 in Xiangtan City. Fluorescent RT-PCR was used to detect avian influenza virus H5N1) nucleic acid detection. Results A total of 196 H5 subtype nucleic acid positive samples were collected from 196 high-risk sites of bird flu. The positive rate was 8.16%. There was no significant difference in positive rates between 2010-2012 and no significant difference in the positive rates of different surveillance samples The positive rate of H5 in poultry scale farms was higher than that in other sites, and the positive rate of H5 in urban and rural live poultry markets was also higher. Conclusions There is a potential risk of transmission of HPAI in high-risk areas of bird flu, strengthening the monitoring of high-risk environment for avian influenza, strengthening health education of people exposed to poultry and raising awareness of prevention. It is of great importance to cut off the environment-people transmission route and prevent human bird flu The dissemination of great significance.
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通过对218例心室前向电力增大者的分析表明,水平面QRS环移向右前或最大向量>+90°,均有右室肥大等明确病变;而移向左前且最大向量 + 90 °, with clear lesions such as righ
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