
来源 :中国优生与遗传杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlliser3d
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目的了解新疆伊犁地区孕妇孕期膳食摄入状况和膳食模式,为进一步改善和提高孕妇膳食营养状况提供原始资料。方法采用24 h回顾调查法结合称重法、记账法、收集被调查者连续7 d的膳食摄人情况;然后将调查内容输入由北京医网中心提供的孕期饮食营养分析与指导系统进行评价计算。结果 1.调查对象膳食结构以谷薯类为主,早、中、晚期杂粮各占谷薯类食物4.2%、9.5%、9.1%.奶类、水果类、蔬菜、豆类食物的日平均摄入量均高于全国水平,蛋类日平均摄入量低于全国水平,早、中、晚期肉类食物摄入量均低于全国水平[1],以早期更为明显。谷薯类、奶制品、肉类中中期与早晚期相比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2.碳水化合物供能比相对偏低。油脂的摄入量过高,约为推荐摄入量的3倍。碘及叶酸缺乏较为严重,约90%以上的孕妇未及推荐摄入量。中晚期钙、铁、锌、维生素A摄人量未达到AI或者RNI者,所占比例较大。3.三大产能营养素供能及一日三餐能量分配不合理。结论 1应增加伊犁地区城市孕妇在中晚期海产品、水果、瘦肉、豆类的摄入量,提高优质蛋白质、钙、铁、锌、维生素A的含量,适当减少饱和脂肪酸的摄入。 Objective To understand the pregnant women ’s dietary intake and dietary pattern during pregnancy in Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang, so as to provide original data for further improving and improving the nutritional status of pregnant women. Methods 24 h retrospective investigation combined with weighing method and accounting method was used to collect the food intake of respondents for 7 consecutive days. Then, the contents of the investigation were input into the dietary nutrition analysis and guidance system provided by Beijing Medical Network Center Calculate. Results 1. The main dietary structure of the surveyed subjects was cereal-tuberose, with grains of early-stage, middle-stage and late-stage respectively accounted for 4.2%, 9.5% and 9.1% of the cereals and grains. The average daily intake of milk, fruits, vegetables and pulses The average daily intake of eggs was lower than the national average. The intake of meat in early, middle and late stages was lower than the national level [1], which was more obvious in the early stage. Grain, potato, dairy products, meat in the mid and early and late were statistically significant (P <0.05). 2. Carbohydrate to energy ratio is relatively low. Fat intake is too high, about 3 times the recommended intake. Iodine and folic acid deficiency is more serious, about 90% of pregnant women and not recommended intake. In the late calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A intake did not reach AI or RNI, a larger proportion. 3. The three major nutrients for energy supply and three meals a day energy allocation is unreasonable. Conclusion 1 The intake of seafood, fruits, lean meat and beans in pregnant women in Yili region should be increased, and the content of high-quality protein, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin A should be increased and the saturated fatty acid intake should be appropriately reduced.
论述了光谱分析用标准物质标准值的不确定度。用实例计算了不确定度 ,并对计算结果进行了比较详细的讨论 The uncertainty of the standard value of spectrometric analyti