Role of diaphragm in pancreaticopleural fistula

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayun33
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A pancreatic pleural effusion may result from a pancreatopleural fistula. We herein discuss two interesting issues in a similar case report of a pleural effusion caused after splenectomy, which was recently published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology . Pancreatic exudate passes directly through a natural hiatus in the diaphragm or by direct penetration through the dome of the diaphragm from a neighboring subdiaphragmatic collection. The diaphragmatic lymphatic “stomata” does not contribute to the formation of such a pleural effusion, as it is inaccurately mentioned in that report. A strictly conservative approach is recommended in that article as the management of choice. Although this may be an option in selected frail patients, there has been enough accumulative evidence that a pancreaticopleural fistula may be best managed by early endoscopy in order to avoid complications causing prolonged hospitalization. A we will discuss two interesting issues in a similar case report of a pleural effusion caused after splenectomy, which was recently published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. Pancreatic exudate passes directly through a natural hiatus in the diaphragm or by direct penetration through the dome of the diaphragm from a neighboring subdiaphragmatic collection. The diaphragmatic lymphatic “stomata” does not contribute to the formation of such a pleural effusion, as it is inaccurately mentioned in that report. approach is recommended in that article as the management of choice. There this there may have an option in selected frail patients, there has been enough accumulative evidence that a pancreaticopleural fistula may be best managed by early endoscopy in order to avoid complications causing prolonged hospitalization.
患者女,23岁,因服扑炎痛后解鲜血样大便半天于 2003年5月21日入院。患者于1d前“感冒”后发热、头痛, 在外自购扑炎痛2片(1.0 g)口服,服后数小时头痛、发热缓解,但出现解暗红