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在自身实力难以与周围的青岛、大连、烟台等大港竞争的情况下,蓬莱建起了两处国家一类开放口岸——蓬莱新港和栾家口港。面对广袤的太平洋,背靠发达开放的华东地区,伸手可及辽东半岛,以及水深港阔的自然条件,蓬莱的两处港口不刻意追求物流集散港口的地位,而是把主要精力放在建设临港加工制造业基地上。依托两处港口建起的蓬莱经济开发区和西城临港工业区立即受到了国内外亟待转移的制造业资本的青睐。规划开发的118平方公里临港工业区内,有国内投资9.4亿元的广源发石化、5亿元的热电厂,韩国投资2000万美元的现代永和重工,东南亚及台湾地区投资的亚洲最大的木材、水泥、陶瓷项目,美国巨涛海洋重工、捷福橡胶……投资1000万美元之上的项目100多个,总投资15亿美元。目前 Penglai has set up two first-class ports of entry in the country, Penglai New Port and Luanjiakou Port, in the face of competition from Qingdao, Dalian and Yantai in the vicinity. Faced with the vast Pacific Ocean, backed by the open and open East China, reach the Liaodong Peninsula, as well as the natural conditions of deep water and harbor, the two ports of Penglai do not deliberately pursue the status of the logistics and distribution port, but instead focus their efforts on building Lingang processing and manufacturing base. The Penglai Economic Development Zone and the Xicheng Lingang Industrial Zone, built on two ports, are immediately favored by the manufacturing capital that needs to be relocated at home and abroad. Planning and development of 118 square kilometers Lingang Industrial Zone, with 940 million yuan of domestic investment Guangyuan Petrochemical, 500 million yuan of thermal power plants, South Korea invested 20 million US dollars of Hyundai Yonghe Heavy Industries, Southeast Asia and Taiwan’s largest wood investment in Asia , Cement, ceramic project, the United States Jiantao Marine Heavy Industries, McNair rubber ... ... invested 10 million US dollars more than 100 projects, with a total investment of 1.5 billion US dollars. Currently
2002年宁夏美利纸业年内实现现价工业总产值71282万元,比上年增长30%;工业增加值完成22000万元,比上年增长34.75%;完成销售收入70995万元,比上年增长 In 2002, Ningxia Merit
第一季度国内聚丙烯产量将为 95万吨 ,进口在 65万吨左右 ,消费量为 160万吨 ,供需基本平衡 .国内聚丙烯市场价格虽然仍将有较大压力 ,但考虑近期聚丙烯单体价格上涨 ,将会导
由中国化工企业管理协会和中国化工情报信息协会联合推出的 2 0 0 3年中国化工 5 0 0强排序工作已基本就绪 ,将于本月下旬在北京人民大会堂召开发布会 .据悉 ,目前有关方面正
据悉 ,我国农村无电地区太阳光伏发电工程建设正在为千万农牧民送去光明。国家计委有关负责人 2月 1日表示 ,2 0 0 3年底 ,随着“送电到乡”工程的实施 ,我国将彻底消灭无电
新华社信息兰州 9月 2 9日电 (记者姚笛 ) 记者从中科院兰州化学物理研究所了解到 ,该所已于日前与定西市在天然药物研究开发方面达成合作协议———组建中药材研究发展联合