Planar Schottky varactor diode and corresponding large signal model for millimeterwave applications

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengzhongyun22
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A GaAs-based planar Schottky varactor diode(PSVD) is successfully developed to meet the demand of millimeter-wave harmonic generation. Based on the measured S-parameter, I–V and C–V characteristics, an accurate and reliable extraction method of the millimeter-wave large signal equivalent circuit model of the PSVD is proposed and used to extract the model parameters of two PSVDs with Schottky contact areas of 160μm2and 49μm2, respectively. The simulated S-parameter, I–V and C–V performances of the proposed physics-based model are in good agreement with the measured one over the frequency range from 0.1 to 40 GHz for wide operation bias range from–10 to 0.6 V for these two PSVDs.The proposed equivalent large signal circuit model of this PSVD has been proven to be reliable and can potentially be used to design microwave circuits. A GaAs-based planar Schottky varactor diode (PSVD) is successfully developed to meet the demand of millimeter-wave harmonic generation. Based on the measured S-parameter, I-V and C-V characteristics, an accurate and reliable extraction method of the millimeter-wave large signal equivalent circuit model of the PSVD is proposed and used to extract the model parameters of two PSVDs with Schottky contact areas of 160 μm and 49 μm2, respectively. The simulated S-parameter, I-V and C-V performances of the proposed physics-based model are in good agreement with the measured one over the frequency range from 0.1 to 40 GHz for wide operation bias range from-10 to 0.6 V for these two PSVDs.The proposed equivalent large signal circuit model of this PSVD has been proven to be reliable and can potentially be used to design microwave circuits.
概述了杂种优势在农作物上的利用现状 ,探讨了遗传距离与杂种优势的关系 ,从理论上阐述了无性繁殖、无融合生殖、染色体结构变异等杂种优势固定方法及杂种优势的利用途径。
吉林省安图县是我国首批100个电气化试点县,现已达标验收。全县河流众多,水量充沛,可开发利用的装机容量为18.75万千瓦,至1989年底,已建成小水电站9座,总装机容量为22 895千
我矿开建于1971年,到1980年底已形成20万吨/年的生产规模,每年回收石墨5000吨,是黑龙江省唯一的化学矿山。 其为品质沉积磷灰石矿床,矿物成份较简单,有用矿物为磷灰石和石墨,
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