A millimeter wave large-signal model of GaAs planar Schottky varactor diodes

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grindswods
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A millimeter wave large-signal model of GaAs planar Schottky varactor diodes based on a physical analysis is presented.The model consists of nonlinear resistances and capacitances of the junction region and external parasitic parameters.By analyzing the characteristics of the diode under reverse and forward bias,an extraction procedure of all of the parameters is addressed.To validate the newly proposed model,the PSVDs were fabricated based on a planar process and were measured using an automatic network analyzer.Measurement shows that the model exactly represents the behavior of GaAs PSVDs under a wide bias condition from -10 to 0.6 V and for frequencies up to 40 GHz. A millimeter wave large-signal model of GaAs planar Schottky varactor diodes based on a physical analysis is presented. The model consists of nonlinear resistances and capacitances of the junction region and external parasitic parameters.By analyzing the characteristics of the diode under reverse and forward bias , an extraction procedure of all of the parameters is addressed. To validate the newly proposed model, the PSVDs were fabricated based on a planar process and were measured using an automatic network analyzer. Measurement means that the model exactly represents the behavior of GaAs PSVDs under a wide bias condition from -10 to 0.6 V and for frequencies up to 40 GHz.
【编者按】“读者园地”作为本刊编辑部与广大读者的互动栏目,刊登读者的反馈意见及读者的技术疑问,我们将邀请专家给予解答,欢迎读者提出问题。    1 固态继电器的主要各类有哪些?它的特点是什么?  固态继电器(SOLID STATE RELAYS)简称SSR。SSR主要分为工作于交流和直流两种,对于交流SSR又分为过零型及非过零型等多种,目前应用最广泛的是过零型。直流型SSR是以功率晶体管作开
This paper presents a novel in-plane photonic crystal channel drop filter.The device is composed of a resonant cavity sandwiched by two parallel waveguides.The
推荐这部2014年韩国新片主要出于3个原因:1.电影海报颇具喜感;2.宋承宪曾出演过同名电视剧,不知道电影会拍成个什么样子;3.主演黄政民,实力派演员,演技出众,去年参与主演了《新世界》、《传说的拳头》,评价都还不错。  话说在先,如果真的如电视剧版本一样,换个什么都教授、长腿欧巴的主流韩剧帅哥来演这部电影,还真没多少兴趣看它。而“逼债的流氓大叔懵然心动遇真爱,得绝症瞒家人守护爱人到死”的戏码也确