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用移相掩模提高i线步进曝光的分辨率,这是本文讨论的问题。文中研究了重复线条,也研究了孤立线和孔状图形。为在光刻孤立窗口时,得到窄细亮线,在掩模主体狭缝的两侧附加辅助狭缝。辅助狭缝的宽度小于镜头的临界值。主体狭缝与辅助狭缝的光相位相反。辅助狭缝的作用在于减小亮线的宽度,使其小于镜头的线扩展函数值。主体狭缝及周围的四个辅助狭缝,也同样适用于小孔图形光刻。文中对移相掩模和普通掩模在片子上的光强分布进行了计算对比,并用额定分辨率为0.55μm的i线步进曝光机,将图形制作在片子上。用移相掩模光刻,0.3μm线条/间隔、0.3μm孤立窗口及0.4μm孔图形都可以分辨。而用普通掩模光刻,其图形不能分辨。对辅助狭缝光相位的变化作用,本文也进行了讨论。光强计算及实验结果表明,改变狭缝的光相位,能够控制最佳聚焦位置。 Using a phase-shift mask to increase the resolution of i-line step exposure is the subject of this article. In this paper, the study of the repeated lines, but also studied isolated lines and hole-shaped graphics. To isolate narrow windows during photolithography, thin narrow lines are obtained, and auxiliary slits are attached to both sides of the mask body slit. The width of the auxiliary slit is less than the cutoff of the lens. The main slit and auxiliary slit have the opposite phase of light. The function of the auxiliary slit is to reduce the width of the bright line to be smaller than the value of the line expansion function of the lens. The main slit and around the four auxiliary slit, also applies to the hole pattern lithography. In this paper, the intensity distribution of the phase-shifting mask and the normal mask on the film is calculated and compared, and the image is made on the film with an i-line stepper with a rated resolution of 0.55 μm. Photolithography using a phase-shift mask, 0.3μm lines / space, 0.3μm isolated window and 0.4μm hole pattern can be resolved. With ordinary mask lithography, the graphics can not distinguish. This paper also discusses the changing phase of auxiliary slit light phase. Light intensity calculation and experimental results show that changing the optical phase of the slit can control the best focus position.
为了适应电子工程的需要,用南京电子器件研究所研制的微波场效应管和电调变容二极管制作的脉冲幅度调制场效应管电压控制振荡器(下称PMFET VCO)最近获得成功。它是由VCO主振
语篇作为小学高年级英语教学中最常见的语言材料,在小学英语教学中具有重要的作用。文章围绕6A Unit 5 On the farm一课的教学,从主题导入、内容理解、板书设计等方面对该节
摘要:笔者认为要使学生能快乐地学习并取得良好的成效,只有激发学生的内驱力才能达到目的。教师要想成功地激发学生的学习内驱力,就必需培养良好的学习习惯,进行学习指导,要求学生能合作学习、自主探究学习。  关键词:英语教学;内驱力  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)18-057-2要想成功地激发学生的学习内驱力,要从培养学生的英语学习习惯着手,力求学生能合作学