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太平天国干王洪仁珩(王千)提出的施政纲领《资政新篇》,是一个带有资本主义色彩的政治纲领。1859年洪仁(王千)提出《资政新篇》时,太平军内部和社会上的封建宗法与小生产者传统观念根深蒂固。同时太平军正处于清军的重重军事包围之中,形势发生逆转。他提出的发展资本主义的主张当时没有、也不可能付诸实施。但是,《资政新篇》在中国近代思想史上无疑占有显要地位。它意味着对中国封建传统观念的批判和否定,呼唤着中国新的社会制度和社会力置的诞生。洪仁歼的思想境界远远超过了同时代的其他中国思想家。在向西方学习、探索救国救民方案方面,在鸦片战争期间的地主阶级思想家和后来的资产阶级改良主义思想家之间,洪仁歼发挥了承前启后的历史作用。 The new program of political power proposed by Hongrenheng (Wang Qian), the leader of the Taiping Heavenly King, is a political program with capitalist overtones. In 1859, when Hong Ren (Wang Qian) proposed “a new chapter in capitalism,” the traditional concepts of feudal patriarchal law and small-scale producers in and around the Taipings were deeply rooted. At the same time, the Taiping army is in the siege of the Qing military and the situation is reversed. The proposition he proposed for the development of capitalism was either not available or feasible at that time. However, “A New Chapter of ZiZheng” undoubtedly occupies a prominent position in the history of Chinese modern thought. It means criticizing and denying the traditional feudal conception of China and calling for the birth of a new social system and social power in China. Hong Ren annihilated the ideological realm far more than other contemporary Chinese thinkers. In studying and exploring the program of saving the country and saving the people from the West, Hong Renjian played a historic role in inheriting the past and played a leading role between the landlord class thinkers during the Opium War and later bourgeois reformist thinkers.
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在此后的两周中,大家都把图书馆当成了“家”,面容憔悴,只顾看书、找材料、记笔记。 In the two weeks that followed, everyone looked at the library as a “home,” and
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