建立六个机制 促进就业工作

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最近,福建省政府对各级政府2002年促进就业目标责任制落实情况进行了全面的检查考核。一年来,全省各级党委、政府认真贯彻中发(2002)12号和闽委(2002)80号文件精神,围绕落实政府促进就业目标责任制,建立和实施六个机制,进一步加强了就业和再就业工作。2002年城镇登记失业率指标是4.5%,实际控制在4.2%;城镇新就业人数指标是"万人,实际完成69.65万人;失业人员的失业保险金得到按时足额发放;就业特困人员得到及时援助;下岗失业人员再就业率指标是60%,实际达到63%,确保了全省就业局势的持续稳定。建立政府责任机制,切实加强促进就业工作的领导。全省各级党委、政府将促进就工作摆上了重要议事日程,作为一把手工程和政府年度为民办实事项目之一,列入了年度社会经济发展目标,层层签订和落实目标责任状,责任到人,责任到事。南平市将就业目标责任完成情况作为年终评先评优、实施奖惩的重要条件,今年初进行了2002年责任制考核 Recently, the Fujian provincial government conducted a comprehensive examination and assessment of the implementation of the responsibility system for promoting employment at all levels of government in 2002. Over the past year, the party committees and governments at all levels throughout the province have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the document No.12 (2002) and No.80 (2002) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and set up and implemented six systems of responsibility for government employment promotion to further strengthen employment And re-employment. In 2002, the registered urban unemployment rate was 4.5%, while the actual control was at 4.2%. The new urban employment index was 10,000 and actually 696,500 people were employed. Unemployment insurance for the unemployed was paid in full and on time. Timely assistance; laid-off workers re-employment index is 60%, actually 63%, to ensure the continued employment stability in the province to establish a mechanism of government responsibility and effectively strengthen the employment promotion leadership at all levels of the province's party committees and governments will Promote work on an important agenda, as a pioneer project and the government for the year one of the actual projects, included in the annual social and economic development goals, at various levels to sign and implement the responsibility of the target, the responsibility to the people, the responsibility to the matter. The city will be the completion of the employment target responsibility as the year-end evaluation of the first, the implementation of the important conditions for rewards and punishments, carried out in 2002 earlier responsibility examination
“旅客朋友们,巨鲸号‘游轮’即将起航,请各位旅客抓紧时间做好登舱准备。祝您旅途愉快,一生平安……”  等等,广播员是不是播错了?怎么会是一“生”平安呢?  别怀疑,人家一个字也没说错;更别惊讶,因为这艘游轮和你们平时看过的可不一样——它是一头真正的巨鲸;搭载的“乘客”就更古怪了,几乎是清一色的甲壳类生物哦!  理想的居所  甲壳类生物是海洋生物中多样性最高的种类之一,它们身形迷你,生存方式多样,很
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