
来源 :金属热处理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzddlz
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一、前言镍基恒弹性合金常用于制作闹钟和手表游丝。该合金的最终时效热处理制度对游丝的物理、机械性能影响较大,而且要保证时效后游丝表面光亮无氧化。因此要求游丝真空时效热处理设备具有高的真空度(≤1.33×10~(-3)Pa即10~(-5)torr)、炉子温度均匀、恒温区长、操作方便等。我们设计制造的新型钟表游丝热处理设备(以下简称新设备)满足了生产工艺要求。从产量、质量、降低成本等方面都收到了很好的效益。二、钟表游丝真空热处理设备发展的几个阶段六十年代初期,采用单石英管式真空热处理设备,其真空室、连接管道阀以及油扩散泵(GG17型)都是石英玻璃做的,由熔接而成,另外配用一只2X-4型机械泵,其最大真空度为6.7×10~(-2)Pa(5×10~(-4)torr)。时效后,游丝一般虽不氧化,但是到霉雨季节,真空度抽不高,时效后游丝因氧化呈黄色而报废。加热炉为卧式管状炉,炉子温差大(30~70~C),恒温区短。当时用丙二型 First, the preface Nickel-based constant elastic alloy commonly used in the production of alarm clocks and watches gossamer. The final aging heat treatment system of the balance spring has a greater impact on the physical and mechanical properties, but also to ensure that the surface after the aging of the balance spring no oxidation. Therefore, it is required that the balance spring heat treatment equipment has a high degree of vacuum (≤1.33 × 10 -3 Pa or 10 -5 torr), the temperature of the furnace is uniform, the temperature is long, and the operation is convenient. We designed and manufactured a new watch hairspring heat treatment equipment (hereinafter referred to as new equipment) to meet the production process requirements. From the yield, quality, reduce costs and other aspects have received very good results. Second, the clock gossamer vacuum heat treatment equipment in several stages of the development of the early sixties, the use of single-quartz tube vacuum heat treatment equipment, the vacuum chamber, connecting pipe valve and oil diffusion pump (GG17 type) are made of quartz glass, welded In addition, with a 2X-4 mechanical pump, the maximum degree of vacuum is 6.7 × 10 -2 Pa (5 × 10 -4 torr). After aging, gossamer generally not oxidized, but to the moldy rainy season, vacuum pumping is not high, after the aging due to yellow oxidation and scrapped. Furnace for the horizontal tube furnace, furnace temperature difference (30 ~ 70 ~ C), the temperature zone is short. At that time with two types of propylene
A new planar split dual gate (PSDG) MOSFET device, its characteristics and ex-perimental results, as well as the three dimensional device simulations, are re- p