Language Aesthetic Perception of Idiom Translation and Its Impact on College English Teaching

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  【中圖分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)03-0042-02
  Idioms are fixed phrases that go through the test of history and cannot be treated separately. In order to be loyal to the original text, the translation of English idioms should not only keep the original taste of the source, but also meet the standards of writing. From the process of idiom translation, we can find out the language aesthetic perception. Also we can make full use of them in college English learning.
  1. Idiom Translation and Language Aesthetic Perception
  Translation, as a tool to bridge different cultures, is playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, of different language. It helps people to better communicate with one another. But, how to reflect the aesthetic perception of the language in the process of translation is a tough task. At the same time, it has great impact on the English language teaching and learning.
  According to Oxford Advantaged Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, an idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit (3215).. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the translation of English idioms.
  Some Methods on Idiom Translation
  Idioms are heavily culture-loaded. They have manifested different national flavors. Therefore, the translation of idioms must try to keep the original taste and also conform to the demand of writing in target language. The principle of translation between English and Chinese has developed for a long time. There are some concrete skills of translation between English and Chinese which are cited as follows.
  Literal Translation
  Literal translation means to retain the metaphor, image; national and local color of English idioms in translation, in the position of not violating the standard of translation or causing the readers misunderstand. This way of translation can retain the original intention.
  The Use of Synonymous Idioms in Chinese
  English idioms have the same form and connotation with Chinese idioms, and a few of them have the same significance and construction. This is because these two languages and culture share similarities. Take “burn one’s boats” as an example. In 55B.C. the ancient Rome, when great Caesar commanded his troops to cross the Rubicon, he issued an order to fire the boats to express their determination, “Not wins, rather die”. This is similar to a Chinese idiom:“破釜沉舟”,which means “break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing)”. The overlord Xiang Yu in the Spring and Autumn Period did it to let his subordinate be determined to win. These two idioms carry the same cultural connotation. So when translating idioms like this, to adopt the synonymy idioms in Chinese is better. Such cultural phenomenon is called cultural overlaps. Borrowing the similar images in the target language culture to replace the original images is much easier to understand for the target language readers.   Free Translation
  Free translation refers to the translation method when the translators are confined by the cultural differences of target language. They have to discard cultural message to keep the original content and its communicative function. If it is impossible to retain literal translation of English idioms form of expression, and also in Chinese idioms find synonyms can be applied, free translation can use to deal with the culture difference. Take “to pull one’s socks up”, although its literal translation is vivid, readers can’t accept it. In order to minimize the gap between original text and target language , it will be better to use free translation to interpret it’s connotation as “鼓起勇氣”. For this kind of English idioms, translate its metaphor meaning.
  In order to avoid the misunderstanding, translators had better not use this method without thinking. Because of difference between Chinese and English, some idioms in another culture, even the identical words and expressions in idioms often have the different meanings in different cultural backgrounds. Actually, idioms can reflect national culture and writing characteristic. Sometimes they are apparently right but actually wrong.
  Literal Translation with Annotation
  Some idioms have strong national characteristics and cultural taste. Their significances have been familiar to English speaking people and extensively used. However, if only translating them without explaining, the target language readers who are not familiar with their unique cultural flavor can not comprehend it. Literal translation with annotation is another kind of way for explaining. It can make up for the latent significance and correlative background knowledge of idioms. It not only makes the target language readers achieve the same effect as free translation, but also gives them more detailed information. For instance, “the Pandora’s box”, it’s literal translation is “潘多拉之盒(a box that Zeus gave to Pandora with instructions that she not open it; she gave in to her curiosity and opened it; all the miseries and evils flew out to afflict mankind)”. The target language readers affirmably do not understand what the box of the Pandora is and what it is used for. At that time, translators had better explain its source in the Greek mythology for the readers, and its meaning is easily to be understood: the infinitive disaster or source of disaster. So the Chinese translation of “Pandora’s box” is “潘多拉之盒(祸害无穷)”.
  3. The Importance of Aesthetic Perception for College English Teaching and Learning   Language is the carrier of culture; idioms are the elite of language. To translation English is not only to translate the content of language, but also to translate the culture behind the language. A good translation plays a very important role in college English teaching and learning.3.1 The Impacts on College English Teaching
  Language learning itself is so boring that most of college students are tired of learning it. Translation not only plays an important role in building, retaining communication relationship, but also makes the communicators foresee the purpose of the counterpart. Therefore, it smooths the whole communication activity. There are many idioms and proverbs makes the description of external world and subjective world more specific, visualize and vivid. For instance:
  “If the economy gets worse, we shall just have to tighten our belts”. In this sentence “tighten our belts” means live frugally. The example is showing that English idioms are metaphoric. People use English idioms to describe what happens in the real world through metaphoric rhetoric. For the college English teachers, they can list them as examples when they explain some words or language points.
  3.2 The Impact on College English Learning
  For most of college students, learning English is only to cope with the exams. They have to learn the grammar, some related words and sentences in their text books. All of these make them bored. Teachers are the guiders of English learning. If they can make the learning process and content more colorful and wonderful, students must take more motivation to learn English. The aesthetic perception from English translation can improve students’ learning interests. At the same time, the interesting words and sentences will leave great impression. They are easy to remember and recite. For instance, he who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl, this sentence helps students to learn attributive clause and some words related to the exam. In this process, we can achieve the purpose of teaching and learning.
  The aim of translation is to make target readers in distinct language clearly and correctly understand the original literal works. As one of the most important language forms; idiom has experienced a long period of history. It comes from the conclusion of human being’s experience of existence, the thinking of human nature and attitude towards human life. In this thesis, some important strategies of the translation of English idioms are talked about. Just because of the great importance of translating strategies. Although this thesis can’t solve all the problems in the translation of English idioms, with the help of these strategies, the target language readers will be lightened.
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